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Show I 074. i3m; 0f the Medulla Spinalis, or Tit/9 of [be filif"_~" Book III. OfIbe Medulla Spinalis, or Tit/9 of r/ae Bar/e. 1075 m, mm", firearms do immediately ilTue from the Medu/[a oblongam to the Medal/a Spi- pmrerchan- milk, divided into Two equal fides, and each of them hath proper Chan. ward, addreffeth it fell to the Spine, freely bedewing its nobl‘ei': Medal/o , . , p . witha generous juyce. Vellels that concern the Spine are of a threefold order, Arteries, 8mm, 3:03:33, iiisifcciiiix nels to convey the Latex nerrz/ofws, which never overfloweth the Com. "mm mon Bank made by the Pia mater , feared in the middle of. it: {0 [Km one lide being afflicted with any obllruétion or cotnprellion", the well fidg cannot contribute any nervous Liquor or Animal fpnits, for the relief of the difaffected fide. The Arteries ofthe Spine,as [0 many Sangulduéts [0 COnVey [be Latex nerd/o‘- iircmAr'teriu fur to the Medulla, are feated in the infide and backfide oi the Thorax, {cine "mm"!!! Th? [WW The Medulla SPiIIaIi/r being an appendix of the Brain, is flyled by 04167:, above, and lbme below the Heart, thofe above may be l'cyled the upper Artei‘ high: iirain an army: among, Tanquam witariu! Cerebri,emulateth it,not only in fiibllanCe, iies,being fprouts of the afcendent Trunk of the Aorta (lpringing or {booting on both fides out of the axillary Arteries ) are called the Vertebral, which i'fiflhfl: but in great variety of Veflels, among which .the Arteries may fcem to claim the priority, in paying a noble tribute of vital Liquor to the Medulla; of thefe Arteries Calm giveth a good account in Lib. Decimo Sexto de u/upartiom, I11; Lain: 76o) Mir iii; mam: Joni", 3y rivn‘é msz'Aay rn? Wéil" ifgdwibtnr, Jrac‘ m'mr autism 7;; €42," pféhcfidufl and Veins. climbing up flraight towards the Occiput, do in their progrels upward fend d peculiar branch to every internode of the Vertebers of the Neck; but the inferior Arteries placed below the Heart, in refpeét the delcende-nt Trunk of the Aorta in his pallage downward (leaning on the Spine) doth impart from 71"; "Jr, Eng: m; Sirwifuim; Any glyw'w muggy, r3; 79v V1117" éy-S'm'MaL'r-u, 091.04): 7; What yiro'uiml its Bale Two Branches, One to either tide of every Verteber of the Thorax ,5; WU; "some miles. 577'". m'yvrowz 7.7; "gm; ,im‘, Per totum iter magma: Arlene, Eijfidg‘f; quad a quinta T/Joracis vertebra tin/pivot", per totamf/Jinam farit, alike quad"! and Loins; [0 that the Trunk of the Aorta being opened in difleftion, it is amoll pleafant light, in refpec‘t the various ranks of perforations, made on‘ each fide of the Trunk, are difpofed in a molt elegant order. Eiiilndi‘ifiii- firm waforirm para/0mm Propagiizer, in Spindle»: Merlullam prorumpmler, [zine mics. mggna exparte olimfa', partway; fui mm exigmtm retro mittmzt all dorflzlrr Muf- The vertebral Branches of the afcendent Trunk, and the lower of the de- IrhfheAiiifiiif tulor. Learned (lb/film!" addeth, in vindication 0t Galen, That the Trunk of the Aorta is not immediately branched unto the intermedial {paces of the Pour upper Ribs, which are fupplied from the cervical Arteries. The opini- do lcendent Trunk of the Aona, pafling all along the Spine, are double, fending uni-um come from ' ' one Branch to the neighbouring Mufcles, and the other to the. Vertebers, [he "and"; which creeping through their internodes, is fiibdivided into Three other mffim en of the Antients was, That the Arteries and Veins of the Mcolulla Spinalir did borrow their original from thofc greater Trunks ofthe Loins, and did more minute Branches, Two of which are inferred into the Medullo Spinal", otthe Aim. ' and the Third into the Membrane, invefiing the forelide of the Spine. As to the numerous Arteries,inferted into the body of the Medul/a Spinalor, 352333;; unite with the Branches of the internal jugular Vein, and carotide Artery defcending as they conceived, into the Loins, which is very repugnant tothc a‘conoiny of Nature. Becaufe the internal jugular Vein is a branch ofthe de- uspmm they havea double progrefs, and meeting on both (ides With great variety of . vc adoubld nervous Fibrils, tend upward toward their Origen ‘, and the lefler Artery'arriA giogtzfi. fcendent Trunk of the Cam, and the carotide Artery, a Branch oftlie afterl- ving the hinder furface of the Medullo, adorneth it with fru1tful Capillaries. . dent Trunk ol‘the Aorta ,. that of the Cow deriveth its Origen from the Right But the other Arterial Branch, as being the greater and more eminent, as foon as it attains to the confines of the forepart of the Nfeolullfz, , thence climbeth up with an oblique afcent to the middle of. the Fifi Cil'tern of the Heart 3 and this of the Aorta from the Left, [0 that both Trunks propagate themfelvcs upward in numerous branches toward the Neck and Head, and no ways downward toward the Loins, whofe fmaller Veins fure, where it encountreth fuch another Branch, obliquely al'cending from Two brand" and Arteries take their rile from the afccndent Trunk of the Cow, and defcen- the adverfe fide of the Spine. dent of the Aorta. But Galen, a great Mallet of the Antients givetha better account of the Spinal Arteries, 4.31:," 5 am an 3,1,, '83" rm; captain‘s mm, hm! rude) illuing from contrary fides, and tiling both alike obliquely, meet 3mm, Trunkwgether in one common Trunk, into which they are both infitrted 2mm 25m 7.; 11565, y; ms at tour.) Want an mom, on )9 an... M", 79 or a. of MM withTwudifiiné} Pcrforations, made into one common middle, and much x ‘ "‘ in 71?; 5:24!" (train, a": J»: in. or." dyicspflw ion; in; w'pcrmm né'ufiu ,uuqiv if-re'aa-v fie! 739‘ EAL" 7‘" r v A .. y I .. y .i - n u I ‘ £9579" lamprey." m; (heist/filial; m, :omuou Matt, 59i Jui; 1.0;th rim a; will 91¢me ti; i5 trim\ "rt-l ranm‘w A£7r17iV WWII" 73‘znetraut autem imm offa, qmi ipfli inter/e commitlimtur, gum]; newi iiiierfiiThe prhy- msferimtur duplexq; odflngn/m (011nm um; efl apopby/ir, (1qu («'9' firm?" e/l fzgcfllslicvcr- duplex, alterimi guide»! iz a'txlrir 5,17in prrtilzm, alternm 'z/ero ll fimflm} Hr omnino qimmplurmm 1171! per toram Spinal}: exigimrum Arteriorum conjuga- tione izumero "ere/or, quim Spinali Jvfi'dulla producmztur aqua/er. . It was commonly judged by the Antients, that all the vertebral Arteries did only relate to the Brain, but Autopfy dctermineth the contrary; for upon the parting the Cam/ex ofthe Merlulla oblongara from the Spind/ioflllffe vertebral or arterial Branches plainly difcover themfelves climbing "P mun Thefe Two branches (being of equal Magm- "e133?" greater duct, confll'ting of the Idler Tubes of the Two other branches, which into difP‘infe into either fide, in their progrels, many other minute Arteries either lidc, which leaning on the Pia mater, are more deeply inferred into the fubflance of the Medulla Spinalir. In like manner many arterial Branches coming from both {ides of the Intera nodes of the Vertebers, are united in the common channel, palfing down all the length of the Medulla Spinalir, from top to bottom,of this common Trunk. Learned Bartholine maketh mention of it in his Obfervations,calling it an e» minent languineous VelTel. Dory? Spinalir Medullse longitudioem ems mfignefimguineum perreprar, ex qua ramuli binc inde elegamiflt‘zile, a [Erie mummy, quem~ aa'modnm, cerebro fupra die/ifuram Medullx Spinal" niceolit, [we «are [alignmeum, inflar zfiim in fake cerelm': Ad latent mrqu; ohm ramuf, [ed mmor ejuf. the owl)", and Two of them equally convey Purple Liquor, both (0 the dent membrane longitudinem percurrit‘, ex quo utroblque part modo ramcug‘u-t Brain, and rep of the Medulla Spinalir, but the middle Branch, as Learned . I his P‘Hunicam difperguntur, an Medullam pertranfiant, ban-d liquiolo confirm marina COH‘EEIVC I which SPIIIalM', Arlerm calleth Willia Dr. great languineous Vcflel, is made up of many vertebral Branches, proceeding from both (ides o the Dr. Willis hath wellobfervcd, doth not arrive the Brain, but parteth from the a{Triciation of the Two other vertebral Branches, and del'cending down' ":3" ) Spine,and inolizulated into one Calldex) 93$"? gown along the Fidufliggll}: |