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Show Of [a Choratirlal ‘I'lex. 1013 .mg C H A P. isbrought in by the Carotide and Cervical Arteries, might be difcharged bv the jugular Veins, which challenge to thernfelves a different and threefold rife. The Firl't proceedeth from the anterior Branch of the Carotidcs, which The Firll clpoufiug each other in mutual inofculations, do take their courfe toward rank or the L lmnzelrlal the furface of the Brain, near the Proteflm Mama/zillrzrcr, and return back Arm M. again under the 73mm": Fzzlcifbrmrr, to the hinder region of the Brain, XLI. 0f the Choroeidal Plex. where they make diverle Arm/lamwfer, with the branches of the Vertebral 1 71,3. r'. F. Cborim, in which the Veflels and Glands are cnwrapped, as in natural fwadling Clouts, and is an aggregate Body compounded of Membranes The Plexus Glands, Arteries, Veins, and Lymphazduéts too. If we may give Credit tti Chums/dc; isa Syllein of Learned Stem, which he aflirmeth he faw in aDilTeétion ; but other Learn. many par [5. ed Anatomills are of a different Opinion, afferting that the Ventricles flipply the place of the Lymphreduéts, exporting the Lympba diltilling out of the Glands, into the next veins. Molt of the Antient and Modern Anatomifis derive the Origen of the The Origen of this l‘lcx. Cbal‘acitldl plcx, from the forepart of the upper, and eminent Cavities of the Brain, thence creeping down into the Third Ventricle. But it is more confonant to Reafon, to fetch their rife, not from the Von tricles, but from the allociation of the Arteries, which is made near the Glam Pirzcalir, and not from the Fourth Simu, feared under the (mm of the Far- to the Glands, and pafling on alittle farther, quitteth its name, and iscal- led Var Venofnm, difcharging it felfinto the Fourth Sinus, iarre, it returneth again to the former Region, encircling in itsiprogrefs, the upper, lower, and ontfides of the Cram, relating to the Medullzz oblongara. Sed 4mm! aliqm‘a quodzmm oflicium praaflat Plexm Cboroeidcrutfmguir per tortuoflu @Iexm ale/cor placide permeam per Glandular [mic annex," 4 fer-oft) laticefirrelw, in candidiori cerebri gremio aliqmmtulum recomlrrettrr. A! cuiufid dicantur baa Glandular, ut (Plexus Imjm‘ 'wflr appmfze, bummer, i in penitiomfnlzflantix Inteifliria, trajecrlor, rtfirberent, dance illi [mgr/1‘4 Glandularum lowlamenm, nimitz mole gratin/flex, Ml wentriculw'm/tficcm,tangunm ad ampliom receptarula abligantur. This Plex is formed of a Membrane, Veflels, and Glands, the Membrane Namm arri: wmnla, in difiillationc Claymira pcrficienda, plum ‘Z/afrt, «wriir is very thin and dorh owe its rife to the rPizz Mater, and is made upon this dt'flillandi ufilm! acccmmoolut, primal}: liquorir aquafi freeibur excipirndia apponimr, alterum autem inflar rccz'pienlia cujufdam, fpiritilmr defxcatir cxtillamiu 0m dcflinamr. @cifldr Plexus hit inflindtur, ut 2110th far/guild: tot Mae/main": prrcpeditur, arfiiaribur wafculamm Cancelli: diutiur immoretur, ut placidefc in illtcriorcf Ctrebri new: illfimmret, 7m pmcipiti wortice pmreplm, tumm rerebri fab/lam aecoum, to keep the Vefl'els and Glands firm in their proper fiations, left they lhould firaggle from each other, to their great prejudice. of thi i'ch. toward the Coxario/I; Thefe Capillaries are fo fmall, that they can hardly be difcerncd in their firft rife; but many uniting themfelvcsin greater Branches, and arriving to the Clam" 'Pinealia‘, do make up one Channel, firmly allixed thence are refieéted from the lides of the Septlmz lucitlrlm, t0ward the hinder part of the Ventricles, fornewhat inclining outward, and being arrived thus The Vell'els of which this Plexe is framed, are Arteries and Veins; Riolm affirmeth it to be formed only of Veins; and Fallopim- of Arteries, u‘ltiCll oppofeth the circulationof the Blood, which then was not well underflood; but lince difcovered b ' our Great Dr. Hare/key, to his great Honour, and that ofour Nation, and the advantage of Art; for Veins are of no qu, where the Arteries are defective; and Arteries would prove deftruétive to the 30' dy, ifthey were not attended with Veins; for the A‘r‘iérics would tranfmit a quantity of Blood into the Membranes and fubflance of the Brain, and then if. fiagnant in the Membranes, would produce a (Phrcm'tit; and high pains in the Head, caufed by great Tenfions : And if in the fllbllance ofthe Bram, it would immediately produce an Apoplcxy, and fame other "COPY (llfilfl‘cétions; f0 that to prevent thefe great Difeafes, and to preferve the wonderful Oeconomy of Nature, the All~\vifc and powerful Creator, hath formed this Plex, which is a curious contexture of Arteries and VOW: curring into allociation one with another, that whatfoever fuperfluous Blood» 15 The femur! Claihs u: Ar» tcrier. ries, which being united to the Cervical, fend forth a common Branclnwhich bending backward and outward, environeth in lorne part the Medal/a rib/om am. The Third rank ofArteries is derived here and there from diverfe regions of the @111 Mater, and varioully difleminated through the fubllzance of the Brain,and inferted into diverfe {ides of this Flex, and do alfociate themfelves with other Branches, and the Carotide and vertebral Arteries. And this threefold Clallis of Arteries is accompanied with variety ofjugulat Veins, which are very plainly difcovered in two Trunks, bending down The 731mm Cbor'fli‘idei, having a broad beginning about the conjunction of the Arteries, which is continued alittle fpace, and carried right forward about an inch, and then the Arteries part again, bending a little toward tllC‘ the Arteries creep into the Right and Left chambers ofthe Brain, and from The Velicls roeidcr about the Clam I'incalir. The Second Claflis ofArteries that contribute to the making up this admirable Plex, is derived from the pollerior Branches of the Carotide Arre- mx. Left and Right {ides of the Brain; and a little after, the feveral portions of Th: Memhrants til the (‘hurucital Pltx. Arteries, out of which are propagated divers Branches into the "Plexus Cho- 1mm immdaret, a plexu ante"! bifce mmricu/omm camzrir hofpitmrle ambiemer pet-chi one mitim Ljficwefcemer, tanquambenignioribalmi Calm reflcillaumr» The Third rank of Artetics, The Arteries are arcompa- nied uith juvgular Veins in the Chotoeidal l'lcxr The rife of the Choreti-i dal Flex, stints-ran w N the Right and Left Chambers of the Brain, is lodged the rPlexus Chg. roeidcr 1-, f0 Pryled from a kind of likenefs the Membranes have to the The Plexus Cbrrmeulrr. |