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Show _, aha it! Mtroue and Elafliclg ‘Partieley, and to fan and refre/b tbe [/ita/ Flame by it; cold fltomct. The P R A Y E R. Tloou bafl outward/j encircled tbe bigbefl dpartimenti Tl‘ll/J many common Integumentr, and cbiefl} wit/J tbe Tablet oft/2e Skull, a} O JW‘o/Z good and great Heaven/j Mind, 1701)) 1942?") wit/9 Wall! of Ivory, and wit/nu wit/9 finer Membranee, /t‘rete/Jed and Wonderfully are we made .' Tbou bafl covered our{ one; out a: Curt/lint, and Vail; to cover and arm/bade tbe brig/9t into/l1? gent Orb of tbe grain, a wbite Pulp} fab/lance colt/{fling of many ‘Proee/fey, be/et wit/2 man} flreakx (am/ad; are a Contexture of many wit/9 Flo/b, and our Flay/o wit/9 Sign (being a Contexture of man} Mrvoux Filamentx, curioufl} Interwoven) a5 wit/J a fine Yiayment. ‘Tbou/Ioeakefl tbj big/J zlttributes of Wiflom, Tower, and good) mji in tbe Creation and government of the greater World, b} rendring t/Je 'oariour ran/g of inferior Creature; fiibordinate to tbe ufe and dominion of tbe fliperior, and tbefitperior again make tbeir <grateful return; in tbe management, improvement, and Proteflionof t/Je Inferior. Fibrile) refembling ray: of ngbt, tbrougl) 11"]?le tbe Hindi/alien; of [lnirnal Spirit; are diflided. In tbe lower Story of a Humane Body, ‘Ilmn turmfl ailment into Mil/e, in tbe middle, Ali/k into ‘Blood, in [be big/Jedi, in Cri/ flalline part into Animal Liquor, enabled by eboiee Spiriti. grant Obol} Jefus, tbe great Tbyfleian 0 Soul and Body, tbat a: our natural Life is preferved b} tbtje everal cbanger, jo our fielritual ‘Tbe Eartb, a; a common Tarent, giver/9 birtb and grout]; to may be rafea' up by more noble Trarfmutatiom, tbat our flafon may (Planer, and Tlanty afford flliment to flnimaly, and dniinali to Alan ; Wberefore we mofl liumbly befieeb ‘Tbee tbe dlmigbt} and mo/i‘ (frat/one Creator, to make tbe beauteou; 0860120771} of Nature be contorted into r&'lzg‘ion, and our Nature into (irate in tbie (exprefld in [be fubjefi‘ionof loWer to big/oer Entitiex) a Monitor to be all ‘Praifl', fDominion, Eucban/l, (vile/oration, and Obedience, non: and for Her. Amen. us; T/Jatwe, tlje Work of tb} Handy, may Pa} our mofl bumble Duty of (flunk: and Obedience to ‘Tbee our mo/Z glorioue Maker 5 and tbou being our Supreme Lord, be pleafed to bleflr n! W 094‘ euros wit/2 tbe (jraeiouy Dzflyenfation: of tby ‘Proruidente and ‘Pro, , tei‘lion. find in tlie lij/er world of QMan, tbe Epitome of tbe Creation, tbou ba/l' (oiyiituted in an admirable Order, tbe Facultiet of {/70 SW]; and [Memberr of tbe ‘Bodj, wbo/e apartimente (being beauz tified wit/9 a curiou; Frame) are iWni/lerial to eaeb otber,tbe lower to tbe middle, and botb to tbe bigbcfl. In tlae lower tlie mo/l Wye drebitefi‘ liatbformed tbe Stomae/J, [rite/liner, Spleen, Livy"; "ml Kidney, lizbieb being (oi/texture: of man} l/e/lell, are jo man} It'laboratorie; of (lg/e, and Colatoriei of tlje ‘Blo'od, wberein Soiree tien; are made of it; impure flout [be niore Pure Pam. ‘ In tbe middle Story, ‘T/Jou lad/l laid tbe C/Jfllllbé'rj‘ 0f £175 Heart. in [Va/en, and lye/Z Oli‘l‘fi'flfill} Binnie/ed it will) diver; branebef 9/ ‘B/oodzmeflilt, and more mnzardly biiibroidered it wit/2 variant rank; of [Wu/eirlar [ribrer (after [be manner of 5<et1torl'\) M fit "my Organ! to give motion, lfe, and refinement to We ‘Blood, tbs P01W tain Life. 7710M ba/l formed [/36 Lung; (a; .7}: Organ of Re/jyiration) 1‘ l‘_ l'glef' of diver; ‘Pipex and [if/[eh of flir lo improve tbe Tlloml 5}; World, and our (irate into glory in tbe World to come, tbrougb tbe Lord ofoe and glory; To wbom wit/9 tbe Fatber and bob Cilia/Z |