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Show 0f rlye Dura Menynx. BookllL Egg]; iii. In the infide of the Dura Mater ina Humane Brain, I clearly {aw fome Xifigij‘flb Veficles + tumefied with ferous Liquor commixed with Air ( rendring ita gig-4". I; very tranfparent fubfiance) near the Falciform Ptocefs 5 where I difcovered 0f the Dun: h/lenyn'x, "983'- The futons é; 'oxi boy‘s Book ":4" "‘3 '4 4 ‘IL 21:1,}, 53.2% w a great company of minute round Glands, affixed to the inward Surface of the Dara Mater near the Sitli-like Procefs, confining on the upper part of the loo Simu. The nrhicum Gum,"ind alfo in the Anterior part of the Dam Menynx, not much diltant from hhifiiilhiiiiic the middle of the Falciform Siam; I manifeftly {aw many more fmallorbiDummmr- cular Glands, befetting the outward fiirface of the firm-a Mater, feared on the ext: ml- 1mm, 75 J2 xnmflve win", it Air-"rm ibiicenityml' {m mime, {NUT/ya "WM" 2min MN. (Mel/rum qimm minimum babe! pifiguir, [Juli/7111.112 auteur 0i "to/E, a calla/9 trims, ri zinyiteat, jed (1115/11 Icy/porn 71/8}/‘/[1)'LIIMIII, mmizrgem eraflhm armpits The Opinion of our Great hinder ([conceive ) may be thus illuflratcd, Th: 1"" The more refined Particles oi the feminal Liquor, as moi} litirittiotis, do xii-"23,5 _ mmmlly tend upward; Andns li'ii‘lir in perfection, may truly challenge the niofi eminent place, the Apirtinient Ui‘tllC Body, in which the i'ltlicril moi- margent of the Falciform Pi'occfs. {hire being colliquated by the ambient heat of the Him-its into a Criftalling Hiram The Dara Mater alfo infinuareth it {elf between the lower region of the fdfilihCESZ-CP Brain, and invei'teth the rPia Mater, immediately covering the Grebe/1m", Humor, at fil'i'c reprcfeiitiiig linipid 'vVatcr, the rudiment of the Brain, The ""5"""4 Hercabouts the Duplicature of the Dim: Menynx is very vifible near the Mar. more vilcid part oil the genital Liquor being unlit to Form the firbflancc 33;:£31231" gent of the Cerebellum, where the skirts of the Dara Mater are drcffed more or immc leis all round the tower of it (between the two Coats) With Glands adorn. $3,",sz ed with akind of an orbicular form, and different files. of the Brain, is tliruft out to the outward parts, where itgronn th more in, dutatc, rill itis turned into CL l\"leinbrane, to confine and prelervc the more tliinand fluid feiniiial l iquor, unable to govern it iili, title-its iininured with in the for: embraces of this tender WM". The/Dinar ills/lime deeply infiiiuateth it (Cllrilito the top and iorcpartofthc r»: m"; l‘leadjnto the lntei'l‘ticepf the Two ['lcnllibliffll'CSylllkl deli‘ending toward tl *5 W "is l [‘1‘(urpus Cal/afirm, and albending again toward the Surface olirlic Brain, iiigiketli Mm" an Ingeminarion, and is adorned with Two l'rot‘tliL-s, the ripper one parteth the Right fide ol‘tlie Brain fi‘Oiu the Left, running the length of the Head to" So that the Dllra Mater both above and below, in the various furfaccs of lchffcfi'gfigc "W m"if- 461i. The frrous "WW"! it, invefiing the @111 Mater feared in the upper region of the Brain; as alfo the Cert‘bcllum, with a company of fmall Glands, the Colatories of the Blood, and its ferous Jiiyce, the Matcria Sub/tram of Animal Liquor. The Skull being taken OR, the Firfi objects that accoi'c our fight, are the Membranes oftlie Brain, commonly fiyled the Dam or Crafla, 'l- and the Tennis or (Pia Menynx every way encircling the Brain, as with finer velltls, through which, as through thinner clouds its beauty is tranfmitted to the Eye, made more greedy and apprehenfive through the Weak refiraints, under which we may difcover a glimpfe ofa fine Landfcip, made up of various rivulets of Veins and Arteries 1- branched within the Coats in 3. Doe, and upon the l'urface of the Cotter, which is befet with divers veficles'of ferous inn)". Liquor (impregnated With Air of different fhapea and fizes) beautified With 3451-1- C I l‘. ward the Nollrils, and beginning in a deep Bale, growetli narrower and nut-- rower, till it termiiiateth into a blunt point taking, its ()iigt-n near the Ceres Lei/1:171, andaFterward growerli leis and leis, till it is infi'rrwl into the (it Spoazi'ofimi, commonly called (‘rifla Galli. This l'roceis is ityled by the Antientsfalxfis refi‘mbling a Sich in Figure 5 Th: H :_ upon this account, the binder part of this Proccis reprefbnteth the broad part l'oimculfrir next the iaiidle of the Sicle, and the forepart bounding upon the Ci‘ifla Gal/1', :1: mm is the point, the upper and Convex partrefembleth the back of the Sicle, and "=6 174m"- Eff-"- 1' divers unevennefl‘es of rites and falls, feated in the Anfiaélm 1-, refembling iii'fii'lh'c" f0 many minute Intel'tines, Railing backward and forward in various Maean» l illrcziitlllitllim- ders, the allodgments of Veilels. iiiimpci}, Tlie'upper veil: of the Brain is more free and loofe then the other, except Mm Mm where it is fafined to it, and filleth up every Cavrty of the inward Surface igorm‘ccmc of the Skull, except the Siam of the OJ Cuneiforme, in which the Glam- PiOLhcl'CUil. 33:25:53; initaria is lodged, and the Siam defigned {or the reception of the Branches of the Carolir Inter/1a, climbing up the fides of the Claim 'Pituitaria. The (‘rafla Mcnyiix, or outward veil of the Brain, is fituated immediate- :i'iihiriiifu' ly under the Skull, its Convex being contiguous to the Concave Surface of ' the Skull, and is fixed to the (Pericranium, by membranous Fibres and Vfl' fels tranfinitted to it through the Sutures, and is conjoyned inwardly in its Concave Surface to the (Pia Mater, by the interpofition of Veins and ArterieS, the Concave the edge. . . The hinder reduplication of this l'i‘oceis ofthc Dun: Mater, is thicker and fliorter then the fore, making a partition between the Cert/1mm and (ere/1e11[WI 5 itbcing molt thick in thefi: places, to keep the Cerebrnm‘ and (Hebe/hm ",6 mm from dalhiiig and comprefiing each other; and for this realon the Fence or ""5"" *Gl‘t)'-VV:ill, that mediateth between the Cerebmmz and Cerebellar", in Dogs, Cats, Horiesfioxes, and many other Animals is bony7 called ()5 'lriitiigzcltzrr, to preltrve tliole tender parts from offering violence to each other in great COIICumOUS- This Membrane pafiing between the Brain and the Interfl'ices oftlie Cerebellum, gocth down by one fidc, and clinibetli up by the other7 leaving certain doubles, which being clofcd only above, do form divers large Cavities witliin,c0mmonly called Simu : Galen callctli them Meninger, Jimim, ruminant which Aiiaroniills have defcribed not to be orbicular, as other vefiels, but ‘ communicated from the thicker to the finer Membrane of the Brain. 322:5??? It admitteth feveral Perforations for the conveyance of Arteries, Veinsi 1),," NJ" and Nerves to the neighbouring parts, and giveth way iii the bottom of the Head to the Infimdibulnm, and Spinali'a Medulla, where it entreth into the Vertebrer of the Neck. It is compounded of a double Membrane, the inward more White and The Oiigtn it this Menihranmtcordiii; (a flip?» critter. Smooth, and the outward facing the Skull, is more rough, by reakm 0 Fibres, by which it is joyned to it. , Perhaps fome may be {2) curious as to pry into the Origen 0f ‘hls blembrane, of which Divine Hipacraze; giveth this elegant account, i311: oo ‘ foniewhat depreilbd ; and are Four in number, the Two firfi, (as they will ,flflmb liavcirj) are the lateral, which are founded in the fliort and hinder Proeels "MW" of the Dura Mater, and take their rife at the fide of the hole of the tirit Boiieoftlie Oeeipiit, and climbing obliquely up, till they arrive to the Apex ofthe Crre/u'lhtm, Where they alTociate with the Third and Fourth Sims. The general coiicourle of all the Simzr is called Torrie/Jr, {0 Full lhyled l-xy Hemp/film. I _ Out of the afiociation of thefe two lateral Sims, and Two other, the [iii-{t ( of them is named the Third Sinus, which p.1fletli upward, and Fourth downfl‘ Ward; The Third and largefi ofall the Simir runncrh through the mid-Hr; ,‘ i T 1‘: 0‘ |