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Show 0f the Afpera Arteria, or Windprfc. Book II_ 0f t/ae Larynx, or Head of the "find/Pipe. Book II. The inward Membrane (inveiting the infide of the Afpera Arteria) is z'ntermflalilliu (7‘ fii'onc/Jialz'bm abftijfir, Truncnli @rombialium remaflemcr, ex- more thick then the former, and much contributeth to the Connexion of the Membranes with the annular Cartilages. This inward Coat of the \Vind-pipe is lined with a Mucilaginous hti- orntm Interroflalium mentiantur. Him pulmom'r oblique fubit, Branching; fnb flrtcria werzofil acl extremumufq; Camitetur, done: Capillaris faéia wifm‘ aciem gfliwiat. In pit/month"; 1111112472115 obferrz/M/i, ham Arteriam prim antitam c) . . . . mor, to lbiten the voice which is rendred hoatle, when this humor is mix. Brombiorum perrepere partem, 71ml m brutomm pulieom-bur raro wdz.' ed with thin7 or {alt Catarrhs, or exhccated by immodcrate heat. The Bronchial Artery branched over the Bronchia, is attended With unme. rous Divarications ofBranches of Veins, as the Allociates of the Bronchial Artery, the one importing Blood to the Bronchia, and the other exporting it from them. . . The Bronchia of the Lungs are not only befet With Arteries and Veins, but with Nerves too, as both their afTociates, which being derived from the "Far Vagum, do tranfinit many Fibres into the Membranes of the Bronchia. This uné‘tuous humor, with which the inward Coat of the Aflw" ""9"": is einbrochatcd, is tranlinitted From the terminations of the Bronchial Arte. ry; or when it doth abound, or is mixed With Saline Recl‘emf‘ntS, is the caufe ofa Cough, canted by diicotnpoliiig the inward Coat of the Afpm Ayn-rid. The inward Coat is fiii‘nillied with many Right and annular Helliy Fibres, which by contracting th('ll]fcl\'€s) do give it a power to narrow the Cavity 0(th \Vind-pipc, and by brisk Contraé'tions, to throw up the oFtenfive Matter, either lining the inward Coat of the Afptm Arleriti, or thrown out" the Bronchia of the Lungs into the greater Trunk, and afterward into the hiouth. Between the outward and inward Membrane, is lodged an intermedial CHAP. XLV. proper Coat of a divers fiibflance from the other, partly Cartilaginous, and lolid to lormthe found of the voice; and partly ligamentous, whereupon it is capable to be expanded and contraf'ted in fucceflivc Motions in the re- option and return of Air in refpiration. The Lili- of this tough Artery is to receive and tranfmit Air by lnfpiration, into the 1 rings, through many fniall Pipes, branched every way through the liibitiince of them ; And allo the Lungs when they have received the more volatil, nitrous, and clafticlt parts of Air into the mals ofBlood, they throw out the more elTrtte and fluggifh Atomes, with the fuliginous fieams of the Blood, Firl't, through the minute Pipes into a greater Trunk,and afterward into the lVloiith. \Vhercupon the Grand Architeét hath molt wifely contrived this fine Cylinder to be made for the greatcft part ofa membranous fiibf'tancc, to render it capable ol‘ Dilatation in the reception of the elafiick Particles of Air in Infpiration, and to be able to contraét it lclf in Expiration, when the Lungs do fiiblide for the excluiion of Air, and the fmoaky reeky vapours of the Blood. This fine Tube is not only framed of a Meinbranous, but of a Cartilagiiious {ublltance too, as confilting of many grizly Rings, befetting the mem- branous Coinpage, to keep it conflantly open for the free Ingrcfs and Egrefs of Air-,and the grols ctlate {teams of the Blood 5 and I humbly conceive that 0f the Larynx, or Hemloft/Je IVind/Pzpc. HE Larynx, or Head of the Afpem Arteria, is the moft eminent part of the Windpipe in reference to Order and Dignity, as it formeth and modellerh the voice more Grave or Acute by the greater or leis Contraétions of the Eurelike Cartilages, made by more firong or foft motions of different Mufcles, belonging to the larynx. . This choice part of the Wind-pipe is beautified with a circular Figure, $203315?! more protuberant in its anterior region, and more depreflEd in the binder, that it might more eafily comply with the deglutition of Aliment, efpecrally when it is folid. This rare Head, adorning the Cylinder of Air, is a fine Compage fra- 3:53:50med of variety of parts, Membranes, Cartilages, VelTels, and Mufizles; Latynx. As to the Membranes, they are the fame with the.0ther part of the Windpipe, as compofed of an outward morethin, and inward morethick Coat, which are guarded within the confinements of more folid Cartilaginous and Mufcular fubltanees. The Larynx is made up of many Cartilages as well as Membranes, which famous Columbm ( an antient Anatomift) calleth Bones, as endued in their more inward Recefles, with a medullary fubflnnce, which I have not been this choice Cylinder was hirnilhed with numerous, almofi circular Cartilages, to render it Rigid and Tenfe, in order to the formation of the Voice, by making, brisk verberations, or appulfes of expired Air, againfi the infide of numerous Cai'tilages. [0 haPPY t0 [€65 this bony fubfiance is only found ( as I conceive in perlbns T) c 1 very antient) whofe Cartilages ofthe Larynx are turned into Bones, as ha- lief}? 313'": ving their more {oft parts exhauflzed by age; whereupon they become :fgmgm The Bronchiu are furniflicd with an Artery(imparting many Branches to the VVind-pipe ) Firfl difcovered by Ingenious Frederick Rid/cl) Harm/1rteriam, iiqutir, Bram/fizzle)" appellarc 'Z/ifltm fm‘t, fupm Bronrbia erzim Serpear, ea tomomitatiir ad finem qu‘, Ortum fumit ab Arteritc 211431142 [leftma'emir pofiim parte, digin‘ latitudine plm‘ minm, fupra fupremar arteriolarttm more indurated, and folid. _ [imCSbWY The Firft is called the Bucklet Cartilage, and hath its appellative from the gamma relEmblance of an oblong quadrangular Shield, which the Aritients ufed‘ in War, and the Turk! now manage in their defence in Naval Fights ; orlike a Breafi-plare of Iron, outwardly Convcxe and Prominent, and inwardly intercoflalium, ex Aorta defcmdenti exormr/mr; aliqtmndo etiam Duorum Di? (gitarum latitudine fupra Arteriar modo 5118453 nommrzquam eliam infra 6M, originem babcre Comperio : place: enim "drum aliqumdo warietate fi'ni. Nun: Ofa Concave Surface. This Cartilage is adorned with four ProcefTes, the Two upper feared gfcfflgfof in each Angle, are the longefi, being afl'ixed by the interpofition of Liga- thenucklrt . Clfliiaéc. merits or Membranes, to the lower (ides of the 0: Hyorde: ‘, and the other mum aflm‘glt, mu/c ganimz, in: Mt ficpiur, Arteria magnfi radar/ere exemptix interrofla/ibm‘ more |