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Show aee The Table, feta)eae. Beares Garlike or Ramjons. Beares wort, a firange woolly plane. : ; 870 1284 a || Backes borne (reffes. 603. Sea Bucks horne. a | Bucks maft or Bechmaft is the fruit ofshe Beechtre. _ 1402 I 37.4 hake 14 withoters Bedsfoote herbe orflower, 20. Our Ladies Bedfiram, 565 | Backrams with fomeis Ramfors, 871. Robins 377 Autume Bellflowers or Harv eft bells is Autume Gentian, 405 1005 | Buckes Thorne, or Rhamnus andtheforts, ibid. Lanterberry Belflowers. 646, Coventrybellflowers, t 649 | 169 | 170| i 633 | 650 | d 5 is Thlapie, Buckswheate. 1141. Bugle or browne Bug, 524 Bugloffe and the forts.765. Wa Bugloffe. r Stoze Bugloffe. 519.Wilde or Vipers bugloffe. Sea Marfb Bugloffe offiendry forts. j ‘ The Sea Bulbe. 1288. Bulls foore ds Colts foote, 14¢2| Bullockes Lungwoit.1633. Bulhyeede, he Sea.750. Beechtree tee 263.1572 Byloocks eye, is great Houfelecke. dred Ben.t5 71. Red Ben, Bulleis tree in my former booke, Bullwort is Bifhopsveede. 912 124.263 1159 | 3572 | 1622 | 552 | 614 1615 | 858. Pauls Betony. 1589 ee or Whrots, or Whortle berries uf divers 1650 | forts. 135 5. | 1 T wayblade. 504. Mar{b Bifoike, i doreede, or Bellflower, be lefler Bindeweedes. Indian Bindeweede called Betre. peedes. deweede or Soldanellz. i ig tree. ptree..4.c8, Birds eye. Birdsfoote, Starve codded Birds foote. Birds neft. 13.65, Birds tongue is Knotgraffe. Bifhops leaves is Water Bettony, Birthwort andshe farts. Bifbops weede, Biftort or Snakereede. Bitter fwrecte. 352. Bittermort or Gentian. Blacke berry bufb or Bramble, One Blade 505. Bladder nuts . Blites andthe forts. 2 Bloodwort. 1227. Bloodftrange is Monfetaile. B slearmonicke. 1574- Bolbonach or white Satten. Bombait orthe Cotten tree, 1552. Borracts : Borrage. 765. Euerliving Borrage in my former booke, Bootes is Mar{b Marigolds, Bolts # Crasvfoote. Blew Bottles and the forts greater and leffer. Boxe Tborne. 1008. The Boxetree. 515 413 1 234 1220 469 : 730 Garden Burnet and Wilde, 582. Great Burnet of Gnada, ibid, Thorny Burnet, 997. Burre and the forts. 1222 Butter Burre, 41.9. Burre Docke. CloteBurre, Ditch Burre, Loufe Burre, Burve Reede, 1205. Water Burreis Barre Reed. Water Burre Duck. The filver Bufo. Butterflie Orchis.1350, Butter wort or Butte: rote. Batebers Broome. ! ” Cheefe rennet orr Ladies Bedftram, 565 The ordinary Che{nue tree, the dwarfe, the Eiorfe Chefiust, and Peru. Igor Earth Chefiut. 892. Purging Cheluuts. 1638 Indian Chefaut. ibid Chickwweede ofthe land ofdivers (ores. 759.0. Sea Chickwocedes.1281.Woolly Sea Checkweede' or Anthyllis. 2 81,282 China reote and the baiftard kinds, 1578 Chrifts thorne.1006. The Judianpoore mans Chirsrgery 162% St. Chriffophers herbe of fome #3 Ofmundfearne, 1039 Ordinary Herbe (1briffopher, and of America, 379 Sweete Cicely, is freete chervill, 934 Silken Cicely.389 -Chichelings annualandparty coloured.106 3 Winged or corned C,hichelings, Water Caltrops great and fmall, LheCinamon tre, the barcke and thefruit, Calves oe 42g foote is Wake Robine. 377, Calues pout, a Suapdra- Lon, é Camfire, 1575. Gumells bayor Sqninant, Canucke or Reft Harrow, — _ Camomill and the forts. 85.86, Sea Cimomill. Garden Campions andtheforts. wilde Campions and the many forts thrreof. 63 The Cane or Reede. 1208, Canary graffe orfeede, 1163 Canker wort is Dandelion, Cankers, or Canker Roe, is Wild Poppy. 4 367 Cannell is Cinamoa, 15,79. White Cenell or Cinamon,1 581 Capers and the forts, 1023. Beane Gapers., 1024 (C2pons taile or Great Valerian, 124 = Caponstaile graffe.y 1 62.¢ aprifoile or Hony fackle, 1460 The Gum Caranha.1576.Cardamomes great and(mall,ib. Carlocke.or Charlocke.362, The Caroline Thiftle, 967 The Carob tree, or Locuft tree anit of Ginny. Garden and wilde Carrots.got, Deadly Carrots, Danke or Wilde Charrots and the forts. 236 879 _ 896, 1684. Carrawayes.g1o, Purging Caffia, or Caffia Fiffrela, and of Brapil. 234 Sweete Caffia of the Apothecavies. ’ I 579 Cafsvi,the Indian bread, 162 4.1be red berried Shrubbe called Caffia 4 5% Dawarfe Boxe, and d Boxe, 934 Bramblebufh and the forts. 1013, 1686 Canes or Kic(es,is Hemlocke, 67.68 The Bramble bufhlikeftalke of America. e 1629 Caffidony or Steechns and the forts. 69 70.06. Brake ws Ferne 1038. Braake Vrfine is Beares Breech, 992 Golden and yellow Caffidony, and[mall.1 117 The Brafill tree. 1644 Caterpillersor Wormes rough (mooth, great Catment or Neppe. 39.Catchflie of diversforts. Ae 637 The Fudian Bread called Cafavi. 1624 (ats foote is ground Ivy. 677. Mtonntaine Catsfoote w The Indian Breadtree. 1646 4 fountaine frsall Monjerate or Cudweede, 690 St.Iobns Bread or the Locuft tree _ 237 ee) 1 169 The wilde Bryer bufbaox 7. The fiveete Bryer or Eglantine.r016 Cats taile, agd Cats taile graffe. Brimflone wort, that is Sow Fennell,or Hopges Femell, 380 The great Cedar ofLibanus, 1532. The prickly ae Cedar ofLycia, 03 White Briony and theforts . 178 Celandine, ie greater andleffer, ae Blacke’ Brionie. 179 The great C ‘entory andthe forts. 4°5 Indian Briony or Mechoscan. ibid, Theleffer Centory andthe forts thereof. =) : Brovkelime, 1236. Butchers Broome, 253 Ceterach or Miltwaft. I ore Broome and the forts, 228 Chadlocke or Charlocke is wilde Rape. oe The Pliant Thorny Broome or Spalatocs Thorny Broome. 996 : . 695 Prickly or ThornyBroome. 1003. Broome Rape, 228 Chaffeweede, or Cotten meede, Bafé Broome,231. Spanifls Broome. ibid. The Chameleon Thiftle. 967 Chame lion graffe 5} 1646 Brownewort is Water Betony. 613 The Chafte tree. 1 43 7.The Chaft making tree, 1516 ; 7 Brufewort or Sopewort, 641 Cherry trees of divers kindes. 1516 Dwarfe Cherry tree, 1517. The Cherry Bay. Buckes borne, and Buckes horne Plantaine, 501 ; winter 1064 Cicers, Whites red andblacke, Wilde (icers, 1075 ae 5 3t 852 385 Cimamon roote i Bacchar. 114 The Corke tree, 1 397. The Corke Ozke, 1399 Corke or Archah. 1315. Coriander, 918 Indian (Coriander like feede for an ague, 1622, Yellow Corne floweris Corne Marigold, > ‘Corne and theforts thereof 111 9. Corneefloeres or Bottles. 48t Corne Violet Gilloflomer or Pinke, that is, Venus looking glaffe, s 1332 Corne graffe.1 143. Corne Poppy or Rof, iy Cornellfallet or Lambs Lettice. 122 The male Cornell andfemall.1 520. Coftus ofdivers forts.15 82 Costmary. 78. The Coftive tree, andanother Coffive tree, 1662 Cattengralfe,122 2, Cotten tree. 55 2.Cottenmeede or Cudweede , 083 68 4 1056 Indi§;panifh Connter (poifon, 422, 1680. (Mombazas Cionnterpoyfon. 1621. Garden Comcumbers; 77x 1575 Weft Fudian Cinzmon, Captaine Winters Cinamen, White Cinamon, 1 581. Annzall Cifse, The Indian Corall tree, 1551. Indian Corrall Beades, 1071 Corrall wort or Dentaria.61g Sea Cortall ofjund-yforts, 5299 Corraline orfia Moff2.1295.Shrubbe Coralline, 1296 Mountaine Cotten wedeor (udrrede. The Indian Coubage, or the ftinking bean’, 1076 Cinckefoile or fivefingredgraffe. 1580 Wilde Corecumbers. Comflips and theirfarts, 1652 —s ; French Comiige<ssountaine Comflips or Beareseaves, 344 § 37 658 | Goeryitps of Lerufalena, or Sage of Ierujalem in my firmer booke, 662 The male Cistus and his Rindes, The female Ciftus and the forts. The dwarfe Ciftus. The Gum orfwecte Ciftus or Exam, | Concheraffe or Quichgraffe, ©60 655 Coventry bells, 646. Crabbegraffe that is Glafferort, | The Crabbe or Wilding tree, Whe weadergroreth or excreffence of Ciftuss that is the Bypoci- | Crabbes claw or frefh water (ouldier, fs. 667 Crayfifh routes or “Doronicum, Cytifus or tree Trefoile, 1471 | Cranesbills, andthe(undryforts thereof, 662 The Citron tree and the forts, 1505 | Garden Creffes 824. Warte Creffes 77% | Sciatica Creffes. 853, Indian Creffes, The Cirullor Turkie Cowcumber, Cives or Chives. 870. Civet. Garden Clary, 55. Exbiopian Clary, Pilde Clary and the feverall forts thereof: Claveror Clovergraffe #4 three leafed graffe. 1937 3 934 | Sarafens Confound.tbid. The Convall Lilly, in myformérb 539 ooke, 367 Contza,thatis Flesbins Muller, T25 Strange Chervill, 8 90. Sweete Chervill, Cheefe bowles or Garden Poppies, Abbages ofdivers forts, 268. (Cadlocke o7 Charlocke, 862 Cajous or apple beanes.1 568.Calamus dromaticus, 138 Galamint and the forts. 36. Land Caltrops, 1097 ° ~ =e a» 0 ex xSY 8 GOO BY. 2 Yo VOR wa 2 Sea Balflowers. x 68.Steep!e Bellflowers. 3 lfowers of Virginia. is the red Belflower.of America. ert. Indian CMorrice Tike bells, Winter Cherries and of Virginia. 4.62 reat Con Gund, 539. Middle dor Bugle, The Winter Cherry tree or Amomym ofPliny.int myformerbook, Cm, Confound or aif,eee | * Thefinall Garden €hervill, 914, Wild Chervill, 915 | Golden Confonnd, 543, Gerards Confound. Mocke Chervill,or Shepheards Necdle, 916 The Germane ¥ Confoxnd, me 1614 Hart Claver 1105. Garden Claver # {ooeete Trefoile, Kings Claver is (Mellilot, Moone Claver. 11 1§. Sea Claver, Strong felling or ftincking Claver. Suaile Claver or Trefoile, Prickly or Thorny Claver, Cleavers or Goofegraffe 703 Orc, $93 Water Creffes.1 236.Wilde Crefles.829.Winter Creffere 1379 819 Croffewort, or golden Craffewort, 1333 566 57 | Swines Creffes. 593.Croffe floweror Gangeflowir, 55. 1680 | yiT2 716 718 ibid, 719 4113 NT 28 1504 1249 320 Lhe Friere Crowne Thiftle. 978 Crow flowers or wild Williamsin myformer booke. | Cre wftere and the feverall forts thereoffrom 324 to 242 | darfbCrowfoote 1214. Water Crowfooe, 1216 | Crow Garlike, or wilde Garlike, 870. Cabbes, Cuckowflowers, or Ladies [mockes, 1583 825 1116 | Cuckowes meate or Sorre LL, is Wood Sorrel], 746 567 Cuckowpintle , or Arum and the forts, 372 Climers andtheforts, 380. Cloudbirry: 101s Cudweede or Cotten weeds; 635 The Clove tree, | 1577 Cutllionsor Dogges ftones, 1345 (love Gil mers in myformer booke, Clovergraffe, 1112 | Sweete Cullions or Orchis,1 354. Cal me toyou or Panfies. Clownes woundwort, 5838 | 756 Chwnes Lungwort is Bullocks 1363 Culrage or Arf{mart, 858, Cumberland Hawthorne, sohe The berbe Coca. 1614. C ] 1498 Cumin and the forts, 887. Wild Cumin, 371 Coccnlus Indi. 1 582. Cockes combeor yellow Rattle, 7°4 Currans ana the Corinth Vineandgrapes, (3-S-7ey Cocksfoote gralft. I 178, Coches! dead. 1o8r Red, white, and blacke Currans, 1561 Cockle.6 33. Tbe great Co hernyt, 1596 | The Cypreffe tree, and of America, 1476 The Coker nut of Adaldiva, 1598. Small Coker mut. 1597 | Garden Cypreffe or Lavender Cotter. 97 The branched and {mall Coker nut. ibid, | Field C'ypreffe orvround Pine, 34 Colexport and the forts. 268 Cypreffe Moffe. 1309, Sea Cipreff. 1301 Sea Cole or Colewort that is Soldanellas 168 The long round, and{reete Cy prefje and the forts, 145 SeaColewort.270, Colofonye. 1542 | Sweete edible Cyprus, or Rufh Nuke 1406 Colussbines and of Virginia, 263.1263 1367 Baftard or wnfavory Eypreffe Coloquintida or the bitter Gourd, 160 | Cypreffe graffe, andthe many forts« 1175 Coltsfoote, $220 | Indian round [weete Cypreffe, 1619 Great andftrange Coltsfoote. 1221 D Mountaine Coltsfoote. 1373 / 7. Daifyes, $29. Great Daifye; 528 Comfry and the forts. Small or wilde daifye. 53% Yellow Daifjes? 523 530 Spotted Comfrey, i¢ Comflips of Teriifaken, | Day Lilly in mayformer book, Dalnatian cap or Taliparzar Abbbbhb a Dames |