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Show 668 DR. A. G. BOURNE ON INDIAN EARTHWORMS. [Dec. 21 Length 100 millim., circumference 9 mm.; number of somites 123. Hab. Burliar, 2000-3000 ft. PERICHJETA HULIKALENSIS, sp. n. The clitellum extends over somites xiv., xv., xvi., and xvu., and is well marked. The male pores are situated in somite xviii., and are rather near together, and placed upon slight papillae. The oviducts open by a single median pore in somite xiv. The spermathecae are placed in somites vii. and viii.; they present a single filiform appendage. No nephridia were observed. I believe intestinal diverticula are present in the usual position. There are about 42 setae per somite. The ventral gap is equal to 4 ordinary gaps, and the dorsal gap to 7 ordinary gaps. Setae are present on the clitellum. No special setae were observed. Length 200 millim., circumference 9 mm.; number of somites 209. Hab. Hulikal-drug, Nilgiris. Elevation about 6000 ft. PERICHJETA MIRABILIS, sp. n. The clitellum extends over somites xiv., xv., and xvi., and is well marked. The male pores are widely separated, and situated on low papillae in somite xviii. The oviducts open by a median pore in somite xiv. The spermathecae are situated in somites vi., vii., viii., and ix.; they present a single appendage. They open, as is usually the case, exactly between the somite in which they lie and the preceding somite. The gizzard is situated in somite x. Intestinal caeca are present in somite xxvi., and run forwards. Nephridia seem to be present in certain anterior somites only, as in P. gracilis. There are four pairs of groups of small nephridia in the posterior portions of somites v., vi., vii., and viii., respectively, and these open on minute circular papillae which are placed in diamond-shaped depressions lying in the posterior portion of the somites, in which the nephridial groups lie, and just ventrad of the nephridiopore which lies between each of the somites and the succeeding somite. There are further two pairs of groups of nephridia lying in somites vii. and viii., respectively, and opening on similar papillae placed ventrad of those above described, and just anterior to the seta-ring in each somite. The further details with regard to this remarkable arrangement I hope to work out on a future occasion. I may mention here that I at first mistook these nephridiopore-bearing papillae for the pores of the spermathecae, and it is quite possible that previous observers have done the same thing in other species of Perichceta. It needs the most careful and repeated observation to make out the exact arrangement. There 39 setae per somite, with no gap either dorsally or ventrally. It is always possible, however, to recognize the median ventral or dorsal lines, as both ventral and dorsal |