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Show 638 DR. R. VON LENDENFELD ON THE SYSTEMATIC [Dec. 21, 1174. Pocta, P. Le developpement des Sponges fossiles. Arch. Slav. Biol. torn. 1. fasc. 1, pp. 23-25 (1886). 1175. . Ueber einige Spongien aus dem Dogger des Fiinfkirchner Gebirges. JB. kbn. ungar. geolog. Anstalt. Budapest, Kilian (1886). [1176.] Pole'jaeff, N . de. Ueber das Sperma und die Spermatogenese bet Sycandra raphanus (Haeckel). Anzeiger der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften Wien, Bd. 1882, pp. 237-238 (1882). 1177. . Ueber das Sperma und die Spermatogenese bei Sycandra raphanus, Haeck. SB. Ak. Wien, Bd. lxxxvi. pp. 276-298 (1882). [1178.] . Ueber das Sperma und die Spermatogenese bei Sycandra raphanus. (Ausz.) Biol. Centralbl. pp. 180-181 (1882). 1179. . Report on tbe Scientific Results of tbe Voyage of H.M.S. ' Challenger.' Calcarea. (1884.) 1180. . Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. 'Challenger.' Keratosa. (1884.) 1181. Poleschajew, K. N . On the Structure and Classification of Horny Sponges. [Russian.] Arb. Petersb. Ges. Bd. xvi. Heft 1, p. 17 (1886). 1182. Pomel, A. Paleontologie de la Province d'Oran. Spongiaires. Oran (1872). 1183. Pontoppidan, E . Norges natuurl. historie. I. Kjobenbavn (1752). 1184. . Natural History of Norway. Loudon (1755). 1185. Portis, A. On Sponges. Mem. Ace. Tor. ser. 2, vol. xxxiv. p. 71 (1883). 1186. Potts, E . Some new genera of Freshwater Sponges. P. Ac. Philad. p. 149 (1880). 1187. . Some new genera of Freshwater Sponges. P. Ac. Philad. p. 176 (1880). 1188. . Freshwater Sponges of Fairmont Park. P. Ac. Philad. 1880, pp. 330-331 (1880). 1189. . Some new genera of Freshwater Sponges. P. Ac. Philad. 1880, p. 356 (1880). 1190. . Some new genera of Freshwater Sponges. P. Ac. Philad. 1881, pp. 149, 150 (1881). 1191. . The genus Carterella vs. Spongiophaga pottsi. P. Ac. Philad. 1881, pp. 460-463 (1881). [1192.] . New genera and forms of Freshwater Sponges. (Abstr.) Ann. M. N H ser. 5, vol. viii. pp. 387-389 (1881). 1193. . The genus Carterella vs. Spongiophaga pottsi. Ann. M. N. H. ser 5, vol. ix. pp. 330-333 (1881). [1194.] - - . Freshwater Sponges of Fairmont Park. (Abstr.) J. B. Micr. Soc. vol. i. pp. 613-614 (1881). 1195. . Three more Freshwater Sponges. P. Ac. Philad. 1882, pp 12-14 (1882). 1196. . Three more Freshwater Sponges. J. E. Micr. Soc. vol. ii. p 351 (1882). 1197. . Sponges from the neighbourhood of Boston. P. Ac. Philad. 1882 pp. 69-70 (1882). [1198.] . Sponges from tbe neighbourhood of Boston. (Abstr.) J. B Micr. Soc. vol. ii. pp. 515-516 (1882). 1199. . Three more Freshwater Sponges. Ann. M. N H. ser. 5 vol ix pp. 474-476(1882). 1200. . Sponges from the neighbourhood of Boston. Ann. 31. N H ser. 5, vol. x. pp. 72-73 (1882). [1201.] . Three more Freshwater Sponges. (Abstr.) Nature, vol. xxvi. p. 43 (1882). |