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Show 334 MR. BOURNE ON THE FAUNA OF DIEGO GARCIA. [June 29, Birgus latro, is also found and attains to a great size. I was never able to watch a Birgus opening a cocoa-nut, though I several times shut one up in a tub with a cocoa-nut for the purpose, but they will not feed in captivity. Being nocturnal in their habits, these animals are difficult to observe ; the account of them given by the negroes agrees in all respects with that of Forbes in the work above quoted. Many people have doubted that these "crabs" are able to climb palm-trees ; but I have seen them do so myself, and I have also seen one mount the slender stem of a " Bois de feu " till it arrived at a projecting branch, along which it then proceeded to climb, clinging underneath it like a sloth. Birgus, however, does not mount the palms in order to rob them of the cocoa-nuts, but to obtain shelter among the thick tuft of leaves at the summit. The large lagoon of Diego Garcia affords an excellent harbour, in spite of the coral patches which rise to the surface in many places, the courses for ships having been carefully buoyed out. The lagoon abounds with fish, which are all eaten; the most common sorts caught by hook and line are the well-known Surgeon Fishes, " Vielles" (Novacula), and some species of Percoids. Large Hammer-headed Sharks (Zygcena malleus) are found in some parts of the harbour, and specimens of the common Blue Shark (Carcharias glaucus) are very common. On one occasion we captured twenty-three young specimens of this species in a single haul of the net. The climate is very damp and oppressive; the thermometer rarely exceeds 86° F. by day, or falls below 78° F. at night; but although the heat is not excessive, the heavy moisture-laden atmosphere is very trying to European constitutions. An incredible amount of rain fell during m y four months' stay on the island ; it was only during the last three weeks of m y visit that we had anything like fine brilliant weather. On such days the bright green foliage illuminated by the tropical sun, the dazzling white sand bordering the lagoon, and the clear blue or, in the shallower parts, green waters of the lagoon afford a striking picture of peculiar beauty which is well worth seeing. I have to express my thanks to the authorities of the Orient Steam Navigation Company, who faciliated m y voyage in every way, and kindly permitted m e to reside at their coaling-station during a large part of m y visit; and to M . Jules Leconte, the kind and hospitable manager of the oil-stations on the main island, whose guest I was for a long time, and who spared no trouble in assisting me in my researches. |