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Show 392 MR. A. G. BUTLER ON [June 29, 165. E P I F I D O N I A SIGNATA, sp. n. (Plate X X X V . fig. 9.) Chocolate-brown ; costa and discoidal area of primaries and centre of secondaries more or less suffused with ochraceous, the costal area of the latter wings, excepting at apex, widely bright ochreous ; wings striated throughout with black, the primaries crossed in the middle by two well-separated blackish stripes, angulated towards costal margin ; an oblique snow-white subcostal spot near apex ; secondaries with a double blackish line from centre of abdominal margin to discoidal cell: body greyish : wings below bright ochreous with broad dark-brown tapering apical borders and a number of scattered black striations; primaries with a discal abbreviated band commencing below the white subapical spot; two central black lines; secondaries with an ill-defined central black line; pectus whitish, venter ochraceous. Expanse of wings 29 millim. Murree, 2nd, 9th, and 28th August, 1885. ZERENID IE. 166. ABRAXAS FUSCESCENS, sp. n. (Plate XXXV. fig. 10.) Primaries whity brown, speckled and mottled with blackish ; base of costa ochreous; two widely separated divergent bands of spots, formed by blackish mottling, limiting the central area; a spot of a similar character on the costa just beyond the middle, an oblique oval spot at the end of the cell, and a spot immediately beyond the outer band at centre of second median interspace: secondaries sericeous creamy white, sparsely speckled with dark grey ; a spot at the end of the cell and a slightly sinuous discal series of the same colour: head, collar, and tegulae ochreous spotted with black, remainder of body cream-coloured with dorsal black spots: primaries below paler than above, the costa slightly ochraceous; body below yellowish cream-coloured, the venter with four series of black spots. Expanse of wings 48 millim. Kalabagb, 16th September, 1885. 167- ABRAXAS VIRGINALIS, sp. n. (Plate XXXV. fig. 11.) Wings above pure white; base of primaries ochreous, dotted with black and bounded by an irregular series of brownish dots; an imperfect band at basal fourth and the costa mottled with pale silver-grey ; an annulus of the same colour closing the cell; two contiguous sinuous series of annular silver-grey spots across the disk, the inner series with black-dotted ochreous centres ; an ochreous streak partly connecting the two series between the third median branch and the inner margin ; three larger grey spots and a number of scattered annular dots beyond the discal series; six ocelloid marginal spots extending into tbe fringe : secondaries almost exactly as in A. pan-taria ; body paler than in the latter species : under surface of wings more strongly marked than above, but without the ochreous tinting. Expanse of wings 44 millim. Murree, 13th August, 1885. |