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Show 156 REV. H. S. GORHAM ON NEW COLEOPTERA. [Mar. 16, spines. The apex of the prosternum is not so widely rounded but The apex of the jaws is notched, much as in Encymon and Engonius, the teeth being of equal length and the exterior one not bifid. The front tibiae of the males have a very small tooth near their apex. Engonius, to which this genus approaches in some of its characters, has the apex of the elytra obliquely truncate, so that they are open at the sutural angle; in the present genus the elytra are together uniformly rounded. 1. STICTOMELA CHRYSOMELOIDES. (Plate XVII. fig. 6.) Oblonga, elytris apice aqualiter rotundatis, nigro-cenea, nitida; capite prothoraceque incequalibus, crebre sat fortiter punctatis, hoc profunde canaliculato; elytris crebrius subtiliter punctatis, perobsolete subsulcatis, callo humerali modice elevato, obtuse carinato, punctisque quatuor aurantiacis, duobus basalibus, duobus subapicalibus, oblique positis. Long. 9 millim. S $• Mas. Tibiis anticis ad apicem intus excisis, intermediis leviter apice mucronatis. Hab. Dickoya, Ceylon. Head brassy black, a little shining; epistoma thickly and strongly punctured, posterior part less thickly; antennae as in Spathomeles, but the club rather lax, apical joint obliquely compressed at the tips. Thorax with the surface shining but uneven, the principal impression being a central channel with a punctiform pit on each side in the middle, a basal transverse line, and the ordinary basal sulci; the sides are, however, wrinkled ; the lateral margins are much rounded in front, and the front margin rather deeply excavated and bisinuate, the front angles being acute. The humeral callus is raised into a blunt carina, terminating in the external one of two basal, orange, round spots; the two apical ones are placed somewhat obliquely, that nearest the suture being furthest from the apex, and oblong but irregular in shape. The femora are clavate and distinctly punctured ; the tibiae are bent a little in both sexes, but more strongly so in the male, and in that sex terminate inwardly in a short mucro; they are pubescent at the tips. The tarsi and claws are pitchy, clothed with golden pile beneath. The intercoxal plate of the basal ventral segment is sparsely but deeply punctate. Four specimens, three males and one female, of this beautiful species were captured by Mr. Lewis. 2. STICTOMELA OPULENTA. Oblonga, nitida, nigra ; elytris confertim crebrius punctatis, singulis maculis sex rubris, tribus basalibus, tribus subapicalibus irregular ibus, quasi fasciam formantibus. Long. 10 millim. cS • Mas. Tibiis anticis dente parvo adjacente,juxta apicem infra dentem excisis ; segmento apicali ventrali, tuberculo instructo. Hab. Ceylon. Head strongly and deeply punctured, the epistoma especially so, with fewer and more scattered punctures; antennae as in Engonius, but with the club a little more lax. Thorax uneven but shining, |