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Show 1886.] MR. BOULENGER ON A NEW IGUANOID LIZARD. 241 5. Description of a new Iguanoid Lizard living in the Society's Gardens. By G. A. BOULENGER., F.Z.S. [Eeceived April 6, 1886.] (Plate XXIII.) Amongst the recent additions to the Society's living collection of Reptiles is an example of Lizard of the genus Ctenosaura, which the Secretary has requested me to determine. It belongs to an undescnbed species, which I propose to call CTENOSAURA ERYTHROMELAS, sp. n. (Plate XXIII.) Body a little depressed. A slight indication of a dorso-nuchal crest. Scales on posterior part of back a little larger than ventrals, rhomboidal, indistinctly keeled. Upper surface of hind limbs with large spinose scales. Tail shorter than head and bodv, much depressed, except quite at the end; its upper surface with transverse series of very large, subequal spines, directed upwards and backwards, alternating with series of very small scales; the series of small scales inconspicuous, at first glance, on the anterior half of the tail; lower surface of tail with smaller pointed keeled scales, the number of transverse series being tbe same as on the upper surface. Eight femoral pores on each side. Blackish olive above, with a large patch of vermilion-red on each side of the body, and variegations of the same colour on the sides of the head and neck ; lower surfaces grey, throat marbled with red; three oblique black bands on each side behind the fore limb; two black bands across the humerus. Tympanum yellowish. Iris golden. Length from snout to vent 100 millim., head 24, tail 88. Tbe locality of the single specimen, acquired by purchase of Mr. W . Cross of Liverpool on the 3rd inst., is not known. This new species again lessens the gap between the genera Ctenosaura and Cachryx. I therefore propose to unite the two genera. In connection with this subject I must draw attention to an extraordinary statement to be found in one of Prof. Cope's latest papers1. He remarks :-"This genus (Cachryx, Cope) is of the type of Ctenosaura, differing only in the characters of its tail. It lacks the terminal portion, which is in that and other genera free from spinous scales. It is not in my opinion allied to Urocentron or Hoplocercus as suggested by Bocourt, genera which belong to the terrestrial division of the family, or Humivagae." Mr. Cope not only omits to add that I was the first to assign his genus to the correct place in the system, but forgets that he is himself responsible for the error now corrected, and not M. Bocourt, who simply endorsed his views; for on referring to Cope's original (and unique) account of Cachryx^ we read, " This genus is allied to Urocentrum and Hoplurus, but differs in the possession of femoral pores." 1 Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. 1885 (1886), p. 270. 2 Proc. Acad. Philad. 1866, p. 124. |