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Show 1886.] ENTOMOSTRACA FROM SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 91 CHLAMYDOTHECA AUSTRALIS, n. sp. (Plate IX. figs. 4-8.) Shell, seen from the side, subovate, greatest height equal to rather more than half the length, and situated in the middle, anterior extremity rounded, produced at the inferior angle so as to form a ventral beak, posterior extremity narrower, rounded, dorsal margin boldly arched, ventral slightly sinuated in the middle, more deeply in front, behind the beak ; seen from above, the outline is ovate, twice as long as broad, anterior extremity forming a large, broad, obtusely-pointed, and twisted prominence, posterior slightly narrowed and produced, but rounded off. The valves are unequal, the left being the larger, overlapping on the ventral, and less distinctly on the dorsal margin. The outline of the right valve is more evenly rounded than that of the left, presenting no ventral beak nor sinua-tion, nor are the margins, either ventral or dorsal, so much incurved ; the inner aspect of the valves shows shelving flanges both before and behind, and in that of the left side there is a curious twisted ridge separating the anterior beaked portion from the body of the shell. The substance of the shell is rather thick ; surface closely marked with small circular impressions ; colour fuscous. Length ^s of an inch. The specimens are all empty shells, so that the structure of the soft parts is as yet unknown. Penola (Prof. R. Tate). Genus CYPRIDOPSIS, Brady. 1. C Y P R I D O P S I S M I N N A (King). (Plate X. figs. 1-3.) Cypris minna, King, 1855, Pap. Proc. R. Soc. Yan Diemen's Land, vol. iii. pt. i. p. 64, pi. x. B. Shell very tumid; width and height about equal, length about one fourth greater. Seen from the side, subcircular, highest in the middle, extremities broadly rounded, dorsal margin excessively arched, ventral nearly straight in the middle; seen from above very broadly ovate, obtusely pointed in front, the hinder part forming almost a complete circle; end view subcircular, obscurely pointed above, slightly keeled and emarginate below. Surface smooth, beset with small impressed circular puncta ; colour olivaceous, clouded irregularly with darker patches. Anterior margins of the valves slightly crenulated. Length -^ of an inch. Hab. Condong River, Australia (Mr. T. Steel). " Ponds, everywhere " (Rev. R. L. King). 2. CYPRIDOPSIS FUNEBRIS, n. sp. (Plate VIII. figs. 7-9.) Shell, seen from the side, subtriangular ; greatest height a little in front of the middle and equal to nearly two thirds of the length ; extremities rounded, the anterior wide, posterior narrower and not so well rounded, dorsal margin elevated and almost gibbous near the middle, thence sloping almost in a straight line backwards, and with a gentle curve towards the front, ventral almost straight; seen from above, ovate, widest in the middle, width equal to two thirds of the |