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Show 1886.] MR. F. W. STYAN ON CERVULTJS CRlNIPRONS. 267 Mr. E. L. Layard, F.Z.S., exhibited a rare Beetle of the family Cerambycidse (Macrotoma heros), obtained in one of the islands of the X'IJI group. T ThTrSJP^ WaS oriSinally described and figured by Graeffe (Reis. LS'/?6?' P; 47' Taf> l; See also the Stettin- entom- Zeitung, 1008, lat. iii.) It was said to live in hollow trees. The specimen was intended for the National Museun. Mr. Layard also exhibited a series of specimens of the genus Bulimus from N e w Caledonia and the adjacent islands, and some other interesting shells. The following letter, addressed to the Secretary by Mr. F. W. Styan, F.Z.S., relating to some Chinese animals, was read :- " Shanghai, " 12th March, 1886. "I have lately procured from Ningpo the skin of a Hairy-fronted Muntjac, Cervulus crinifrons, the species described by you before the Society on the 20th January last. M y specimen is a female, and as I believe the male in the Gardens of the Society is the only individual of the species that has yet been met with, a description of the skin may be interesting. " The following are the measurements of the dry skin :- inches. " 1 rom nose to root of tail 46 (appa- . rently stretched) Tail to end of bone QI Tail to tip of hair 84 Heel to base of hoof 11 Shoulder to base of hoof 15 Nose to forehead between base of ears 9 Ears , 4 " Upper parts rich dark glossy brown, mixed with black, darkest along the middle of the back. Belly and inner sides of thighs pure white, the line of demarcation very distinct except in the lower part of the thighs, where it merges gradually into dark brown. Tail above black, below pure white; a pale patch under the forearm; rest of the underparts dark brown. The brown of the neck gradually pales into reddish brown on the sides of the head; the nose-ridge dark brown; the longitudinal slits form a black V, the colour between them is a bright reddish brown, which turns into a fiery orange-brown in the tuft of bristly hair, rather more than two inches long, which rises from the tip of the forehead. On each side of this is a very small bony pedicle surmounted by short tufts of hair of the same colour. Ears at the base of the same hue, but not quite so bright, and fading into brown on the upper parts. " In general appearance it much resembles both Elaphodus michi-anus and Cervulus lacryman s, having the dark-coloured body, tufted 18* |