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Show 1886.] DR. MONTICELLI ON SOUTH ITALIAN CHIROPTERA. 95 6. PLECOTUS AURITUS, Linn. This Bat seems to be more common on the Adriatic than on the Mediterranean side of Italy. 7. SYNOTUS BARBASTELLUS, Schreb. This species has been hitherto said to be found only in North Italy. It occurs also in South Italy. 8. VESPERUGO (VESPERUS) SEROTINUS, Schr. This species is not very frequently observed, but is found everywhere. 9. VESPERUGO NOCTULA, Schr. Not common in South Italy, but not rare. Up to the present time it has been found only on the Adriatic side. 10. VESPERUGO LEISLERI, Kuhl. A very rare species in Italy. There are only two specimens in the Museum of Florence, which were obtained in the province of Lecce. 11. V E S P E R U G O SAVII, Bp. This Bat is very common everywhere. 12. VESPERUGO KUHLI, Natt. Very common everywhere; found both in town and countrv 1 here are many variations in the colour and size of specimens • f have found some all white, and others black. These may be considered as two distinct varieties : the former I call " var. albicans " the latter " var. pullatus." 13. VESPERUGO PIPISTRELLUS, Schreb. A species common everywhere. In some places it is met with in great numbers. 14. VESPERTILIO BLASII, Major. Vespertilio majori, Ninni, Fauna Venet.1 Up to the present time a very rare species. I have seen only one specimen, which is in the collection of the Zoological Museum of Naples. 15. VESPERTILIO MURINUS, Linn. Generally distributed over the whole of Southern Italy. 16. VESPERTILIO OXYGNATHUS, Mont.2 I have founded this new species on specimens found at Matera (province of Basilicata). It is very closely allied to V. murinus, but is at once distinguished by the ears, which are as long as the head, the great development of the glands of the muzzle, by the 1 ' Materiali per una Fauna Veneta ': Venezia, 1878 ; Atti E. It, Venet 2 Ann. Ace. Or. Costa d. Asp. Natur. Era 3, vol. i., con tavola. |