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Show 394 ON LEPIDOPTERA FROM WESTERN INDIA. [June 29, 173. ClDlRIA ALBIGIRATA ? Cidaria albiyirata, Kollar in Hiigel's Kaschm. iv. 2, p. 489 (1848). Murree, 12th August, 1885. This agrees tolerably closely with Kollar's description, but his statement that it belongs to the neighbourhood of Cidaria prunata and sufflumata is misleading, if this be his species, since it is closely allied to the European C. picala, and decidedly more closely than to either of the above-mentioned insects; it occurs also in Afghanistan. 174. PHIBALAPTERYX, sp. n. ? A single specimen, much faded, worn, and without any antennae or palpi, apparently of a new species. Bugnoter, 19th September, 1885. CRAMBID^E. 175. JARTHEZA CHRYSOGRAPHELLA. Ghilo chrysographellus, Kollar in Hiigel's Kaschm. iv. p. 494 (1848). Campbellpore, 30th July, 1885. 176. APURIMA XANTHOGASTRELLA. Apurima xanthogastrella, Walker, Cat. Lep. Het. xxvii. p. n. 1 (1863). Campbellpore, 28th July, 1885. TORTRICID^. 177. C E R A C E TETRAONIS, sp. n. Primaries above black, regularly dotted with pale yellow; costal border crossed by numerous short yellow striae ; a longitudinal subcostal bright red stripe from base to outer margin: secondaries with the discoidal cell and costal area nearly to apex bright orange ochreous, remainder of the wing black; five black costal spots; an ochreous apical spot; abdominal third of w ing spotted all over with ochreous: body blackish, head and collar spotted with yellow, abdomen with ochreous margins to the segments*, primaries below without yellow dotting, the red stripe replaced by an ochreous patch filling tbe discoidal cell and a spot on outer margin; the yellow colouring on the secondaries paler than above, otherwise similar; body below whitish. Expanse of wings 28 millim. Murree, 28th August, 1885. Allied to C. onustana of Nepal. CHOREUTID^E. 178. T E G N A HYBLiGELLA. Tegna hybl&ella, Walker, Cat. Lep. Het., Suppl. v. p. 1810 (1866). Campbellpore, 20th July, 1885. |