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Show 66 MR. O. THOMAS ON THE MAMMALS OF [Jan. 19, other hand those of North Tenasserim are nearly entirely Burmese, although but few of them, again, are the same as the species found still further north in Manipur. The careful and conscientious manner in which Mr. Davison's collecting and labelling is done is nowhere more conspicuous than in the beautiful series obtained by him in Tenasserim, so that the number and excellence of the skins, and above all, the careful preservation of the dates of capture, have been to me, and I hope will be to others, of the greatest possible service in making out the problems of distribution, and of local, sexual, and seasonal variation. The collection contains 86 specimens, referable to 25 species. 1. HYLOBATES LAR, L. a, b. Myawadi1. c. Kankaryit, 13/1/77. d-g. Bankasun, 4-6/77. 2. SEMNOPITHECUS FEMORALIS, Horsf. a. Bankasun, 15/4/77. This rare species forms an addition to the fauna of Tenasserim, the few localities as yet recorded for it being all either in the south of the Malay peninsula or in Sumatra. Mr. Davison's specimens precisely agree with Horsfield's type preserved in the Natural History Museum. 3. SEMNOPITHECUS OBSCURUS, Reid. a, b. 5000', Mt. Mooleyit, 30/1/77. e. Foot of Mt. Nwa-la-boo, Tavoy, 10/4/78. d. Bankasun, 25/5/77. Specimen d is a very remarkably coloured individual differing from all others that 1 have seen in having its crest, nape, arms and legs, and tail yellow, contrasting markedly writh the dark hues of the face, body, and feet. It is, however," led up to by a specimen in the Museum from Malacca, collected by Dr. Cantor 2, which has its crest yellow and its limbs and tail lighter than usual. I am therefore indisposed at present to look upon the Bankasun specimen as more than an individual variety. It must, however, be mentioned that its auditory bulla? are larger and more projecting, and its teeth smaller than is usually the case ; but with only a single specimen, these characters are not sufficiently tangible to found a new species upon. 4. MACACUS CYNOMOLGUS, L. a. Wimpong, Thatone. 5. PRIONODON MACULOSUS, Blauf. a. Bankasun (co-type of species. Figured J. A. S. B. xlvii. pi. vi. 1878). This is the original skin described and figured by Mr. Blanford, 1 Specimens to which no collector's name is attached were obtained by Mr. Davison. 2 No. 79. 11. 21. 596. |