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Show 160 REV. H. S. GORHAM ON NEW COLEOPTERA. [Mar. 16 2. ANIDRYTUS LIQUEFACTUS, Gorh. Endom. Rec. p. 47. I have received specimens of both sexes of what I consider identical with this species, of which the type is now in Mr. Lewis's possession from Peru, and one male from New Granada (?) ; but these have only three joints at the base of the antennae red, and the apical joint is quite black. The size is from 7|-8J millim. 3. ANIDRYTUS HUMILIS, Gorh. Endom. Rec. p. 48. Further specimens were taken by Mr. Belt at Chontales, Nicaragua, and will be noticed in the • Biologia Centr.-Amer.' in due course. EPOPTERUS. 1. EPOPTERUS EGANUS. (Plate XVII. fig. 9.) Ovatus, rufo-brunneus, nitidus; antennis nigris, articulis basalibus testaceis; elytris singulis maculis tribus sat eburneo-albidis nigro-cinctis, duabus basalibus oblique subapicali. Long. 5-5| millim. S 2 • Mas. Tibiis anticis leviter curvatis, ad apices compressis. Hab. Amazon, Ega (H. W. Bates). Head and thorax rather pale castaneous red, not perceptibly punctured, very finely and very sparsely pubescent at the sides of the latter, narrowed to the front angles, and very narrowly margined; basal sulci short, linear. Scutellum black. Elytra wider than the thorax, commencing to widen from the base to about one third from the base, whence they are evenly and ovally contracted to the apex ; each with three large yellowish-white spots edged with black. The underside is brownish red, the tibiae darker at their bases than the rest of the leg, as are also (but only very finely) the inner epipleural margins of the elytra. Two examples from Mr. Bates's collection are now in Mr. Lewis's. 2. EPOPTERUS EPHIPPIGER. (Plate XVII. fig. 8.) Ovatus, rufo-piceus, nitidus; elytris flavis macula magna communi nigra ; antennis nigris, articulis tribus basalibus prothorace crebre, elytris parcius leviter punctatis. millim. S • Mas. Tibiis anticis ad apices interne compressis, leviter Hab. Amazon (H. W. Bates). Nearly of the same oval form and of the size of E. eganus, but distinctly punctured. Head red, nearly smooth; thorax twice as wide as long, not so wide as the elytra at their base, thickly and distinctly punctured ; basal sulci straight, a little converging, sides narrowing, slightly curved, margin distinct and faintly raised. Scutellum rufous, punctured. Elytra paler yellow than the thorax, punctures distinct, only a few scattered hairs at the sides; epipleurae yellow, only very narrowly darker at their margins. Underside and legs uniformly pitchy red. I have only seen one example of this species, a male. It is very distinct from any Epopterus yet described. |