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Show 264 MR. R. COLLETT ON BALAENOPTERA BOREALIS. [Feb. 2, thinner than usual. Capt. Bull told me that during the previous year at Sorvaer he got 25 to 30 barrels off each example (30 to 35 hectolitres). The blubber is thickest about the flippers and on the back, where it is from 3 to 6 inches thick (80 to 130 millim.). The value is estimated by the whalers as being about half that of B. muscidus, and averages about 500 to 600 kroners (£27 to ^33). The baleen is considered more valuable than that of the other kinds. Finally, it may be mentioned that it is from this species, and from none of the others, that the flesh is prepared on a large scale for human consumption. A factory has been at work during the past year at Sbrvser, near Hammerfest, hermetically preserving the flesh of this species, the flesh of the other species of the Balasnopteridse not being considered fit for such a purpose. XVI. Monstrosities. During my stay at Capt. Castberg's factory at Vardo I was shown an individual which lay moored to the shore, caught on the lGth July. It wanted both "flippers" from the shoulder-joints. As this deficiency appeared to be symmetrical, it is probable that the specimen was born without flippers (however I could not be sure of this, as I could not stop until the blubber was removed). XVII. Synopsis of the four Northern Species of Balaenoptera. I conclude my remarks by giving a brief summary of the external characters of the four northern species of Balanoptera :- Balaenoptera rostrata (Fabr. 1780). Norwegian Vaagehval (" Bay Whale ").-Length 25 to 30 feet, seldom exceeding 33 feet. Form of the body rather robust or plump ; the greatest height is to the total length as 1 to 5. Colour greyish black above ; the underside white, including the whole of the lower side of the tail; the flippers with a broad band of white across the outer side ; the inner side quite white. Dorsal fin high, evenly curved, and deeply emarginated behind ; it is placed somewhat far forward, at the commencement of the last third of the body. Vent placed just under (or a trifle beyond) the hindermost edge of the dorsal fin. Flippers moderately long, measuring about one eighth of the total length of the body. Baleen with the bristles of a yellowish-white colour. The number of plates about 325 ; their greatest length about 200 millim., not including the bristles. Jaws short, being to the total length to 1 to 54- Balaenoptera borealis, Less. 1828. Norwegian Sejhval ("Coal-fish Whale").-Length 40 to 48 feet, rarely as much as 52 feet. Form of the body less robust; the greatest height is to the total length nearly as 1 to 5|. Colour bluish black above, with oblong light-coloured spots ; the underside as far as the genitalia more or less white. The whole of the tail, with the flukes and the flippers on both sides, is exactly similar to the back in colour. Dorsal fin high, evenly curved and deeply emarginated behind ; it is placed far forward |