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Show 1886.] LEPIDOPTERA OF M H O W . 429 63. BASPA MELAMPUS. Pap. melampus, Cram. Pap. Exot. iv. pi. 362. f. G, H (1782). September to June. 64. NILASERA APELLA, n. sp. (Plate XL. fig. 4, o*.) Allied to N. amantes, Hewitson. Upperside of a brighter and paler blue, but similar to A. amantes in the deep costal band on the fore wings of the male, which is absent in the female, and in the far deeper costal band of the hind wings and marginal band of both wings. The underside is, however, quite different, the ground-colour being of a uniform pale brownish grey with an ochreous tinge, this tinge showing quite distinctly on the brown portions of the fore wings, the costal portion and much of the hind wing being silvery grey. Fore wings with one small spot in the cell near the base, and a larger one also within the cell, a little forward of its centre, the upper portions of both touching the subcostal vein ; another spot, square and larger at the end of the cell, and a smaller one below this in the angle of the first median interspace, and below this is a spot elongated into a band running along the interspace for more than half its length below the first median branch, and half filling up that portion of the interno-rnedian interspace; there is also a discal row of six confluent spots from the costa, commencing with a small one and getting gradually larger and ending on the first median branch at the end of the band ; all the spots brown, surrounded with yellowish white, the white borders being clearest round the two spots in the cell and the two outside it. Hind wing with four or five brown spots near the base, a central whirl of spots of the same colour, disconnected, and irregular like a zigzag band, a discal whorl of similar spots but paler, and the space on each side filled in with other bands of spots so pale as to be only here and there visible. Margins of both wings brown, diffused inwardly; a black spot at the anal angle, and a white silvery streak on the margin running from this spot to the first median branch, and clouded with dark brown atoms. Tails black, tips white. Expanse of wings 2TL inches. M h o w , March. 65. TAJURIA JEHANA. Tajuria jehana, Moore, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 529, pi. 49. f. 7. September. PAPILIONIDCE. PIERIN^E. 66. TERIAS L,ETA. Terias laeta, Boisduval, Sp. Gen. i. p. 174 (1836). September to July. The commonest Butterfly in M h o w. |