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Show 270 MR. W. F. K I R B Y O N R A R E SPHINGID.E. [May 4, fore wings are whitish at the base, this colour being narrowest at the costa; and rather below the costa is a small dark green spot near the base. On the inner margin, a dark green oblong mark curves upwards from the base, ceasing at one third of the distance from the costa, and rather beyond it is an oblong white spot with a dark-green centre. Below this, and beyond the oblong mark, the wing is obscurely marked with blackish, and from the upper curve of the oblong a dark obsolete mark curves towards the anal angle, before which it becomes more distinct, and is bounded outside by some whitish markings in the form of a W . In the middle of the wing are three obsolete transverse lines, ceasing at the subcostal nervure- the basal one dull green, the second obscurely blackish, and having an oblong black spot within its upper portion, and the outer one much waved, marked rather broadly with blackish above ; beyond it, just below the subcostal nervure, is another blackish mark, like a broad V. The hind wings are reddish tawny, the hind margin being olive-yellow, most broadly so at the anal angle, above which it is surmounted by an irregular blackish blotch enclosing two white dots. Wings beneath yellowish green or greenish yellow, the fore wings being pale orange-yellow at the base to beyond the cell, and brighter orange along the costa; at the extremity of the cell is a blackish spot. The outer portions of the fore wings are marked with three obsolete green lines, converging towards a blackish spot at the anal angle, and the hind wings with three similar lines, which do not quite meet; the outer ones terminate in blackish blotches, between which stand two white dots. The obscure shades and markings of the fore wings of this and the next species render them difficult to describe satisfactorily. The fore wings are strongly falcate, and the anal angle is very strongly marked. The hind margin of the hind wings is bidentate beyond the anal angle. 3. AMBULYX TITHONUS, sp. n. (Plate XXVII. fig. 2.) Very similar to A. eos, but the upper surface is of a much duller olive-brown ; markings of the head and thorax nearly similar. Fore wings hardly white at the base and with a yellowish-olive band, slightly edged with white, running less obliquely from the inner margin just beyond the base to the median nervure, at which point it is broader than in A. eos ; its outline is also more sinuous. Above the median nervure, and beyond it, is an obscure olive-green spot, flecked with white ; at the end of the cell is a black spot, beyond which is a sinuous black line (double above) curving down to the inner margin ; beyond it are two more waved blackish lines (the first double) running from the subcostal nervure half across the wing ; the hind margin and anal angle are shaded into olive. Hind wings orange-tawny, paler at the anal angle, above which is a black blotch marked with two white dots, from which runs an ill-defined submarginal blackish stripe ; the hind margin is also narrowly blackish. Wings beneath of a more uniform yellowish green than |