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Show 452 COL. C. SWINHOE ON THE [Nov. 16, THERM ESIID^E. 154. AzAZIA RUBRICANS. Ophiusa rubricans, Boisd. Faun. Lep. Mad. p. 106. 11, pi. 16. f. 1. September. 155. MESTLETA BACCALIX, n. sp. (Plate XL. fig. 7.) Pale pinkish cream-colour. Fore wings irrorated with pinkish-brown atoms ; with four equidistant parallel whitish oblique lines- subbasal, antemedian, median, and postmedian ; each line nearly straight from hinder margin till near the costa, where it abruptly bends inwards to the costa; each line margined with pinkish brown on its inner side ; outer border darker than the rest of the wing, with a whitish subapical line running inwards from the costa for a short distance ; fringe pinkish brown with white tips. Hind wings paler than the fore wings, pale pinkish brown towards the outer margin; fringe pinkish grey, with white tips. Underside whitish ; legs marked with pinkish brown ; body dark brown-pink ; fore wings suffused with pinkish brown towards the apex; fringe of both wings as on the upperside. Expanse of wings -^y inch. December. FOCILLID^E. 156. HlNGULA UNICOLORIS, n. sp. Dark brown ; antennae articulated with white, tips of the palpi white; head white on the inside of the eyes; wings saturated with pinkish ; fore wings with some black marks on the costa, a black streak at the end of the cell; both wings with black points on the outer margin, and with two irregular, very indistinct black lines across the wings difficult to distinguish. Underside slightly paler than the upperside, in one specimen quite unmarked, in another with faint traces of outer and submarginal lines. Expanse of wings 1 inch. February and September. PLATYDID.E. 157. EPISPARIS SIGNATA. Episparis signata, Walker, xxxiii. 1032. July. HYPENID^E. 158. RHYNCHINA PERVULGALIS. Rhynchina pervulgalis, Swinhoe, P. Z. S. 1885, p. 471, pi. 28. f. 5. May and September. 159. RHYNCHINA XYLINA, n. sp. Palpi, head, and collar white, speckled with grey, the palpi in |