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Show 1886.] FROM TARAPACA, NORTHERN CHILI. 399 21. BOLBORHYNCHUS ORBIGNESIUS. Myiopsitta orbignesia, Bp. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 151. Bolborhynchus orbignesius, Sci. et Salv. P. Z. S. 18/9, p. 635. Bolborhynchus oVorbigni, Finsch, Papag. ii. p. 129. Lalcalhuay. Males and females : sexes alike ; iris dark brown. These specimens agree with Bolivian skins of this little-known species. 22. BUTEO ERYTHRONOTUS (King). Buteo erythronotus, Tacz. Orn. Per. i. p. 115. Lalcalhuay. § : iris brown ; feet yellow. 23. MILVAGO MEGALOPTERUS (Meyen). Milvayo megalopterus, Tacz. Orn. Per. i. p. 101. Sitana. d '. iris brown ; feet yellow. 24. ARDEA CANDIDISSIMA (Gm.). Ardea candidissima, Tacz. Orn. Per. iii. p. 393. Sitana. d '• iris yellow ; feet black. 25. PHOENICOPTERUS ANDINUS, Philippi. Phcenicopterus andinus, Philippi, Reise d. d. Wiiste Atacama, p. 164, tt. iv., v. ; Tacz. Orn. Per. iii. p. 423. Huasco. Two females, in full plumage. " Iris very dark brown ; feet whitish yellow ; beak, fore part black, hind part whitish yellow ; between the nostrils brick-red ; lowest hinder part of lower mandible and a small spot before the eyes violet." An egg is of a uniform chalky white, with irregular adherent chalky layers, as in some Cormorants' eggs. It measures 3*6 by 2'1 inches, and is only slightly more pointed at the small end. 26. PHCENICOPTERUS JAMESI, sp. nov. (Plate XXXVI.) Ph. albus, capite colloque superiore et alis extus roseo indutis; cervicis undique, dorsi superioris et pectoris plumarum apicibus cum scapularibus et secundariis externis elongatis et subalaribus sanguineo-rosaceis ; remigibus nigerrimis; subalaribus longis sanguineis; pedibus rubris; rostri basi fiava, apice nigra; loris nudis in pelle carneis; digito postico nullo: long, tota circ. 36*0, alee 16"0, Cauda 6\5, tarsi 8-0. Hab. in Andibus, prov. Tarapacensis. Obs. A Ph. andino cui pedibus tridactylis afffnis, forma et pictura rostri, scapularibus et secundariis productis, et pedibus rubris sane diversus. An adult male in full dress and a male and female not in full dress of this new species of three-toed Flamingo were obtained by Rahmer at Sitana, at a height of about 12,000 feet, at the foot of the Volcano Tsluga. In a letter announcing this discovery, Mr. Rahmer has proposed to call the species "jamesi," a name which I adopt with great pleasure. |