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Show 348 MR. G. F. M A T H E W O N N E W [June 29, which is continued round by anal angle, forming a submarginal stripe, to apex, whence it forms a curve as far as discoidal nervure ; a silver /^-shaped mark between second median and discoidal nervule, tbe bases nearly resting on submarginal stripe ; a subcrescent-shaped silver stripe near anal angle divided by first median nervule ; four small square black confluent spots just above submarginal stripe, between discoidal and second subcostal nervules ; above these, two ochreous lunules bordered above, as far as outer edge of silvery curved band, by a large black irregularly-shaped blotch ; space between arms of /^-shaped mark, and inner edge of submarginal stripe between second median nervule and submedian nervure, deep chestnut; a large black lunular spot between first and second median nervules, its inner edge touching the subcrescent-shaped silver stripe. Thorax reddish brown ; some bluish-green hairs on collar and between eyes ; eyes dark reddish brown, bright red when the insect is alive. Exp. 39 millim. Hab. Treasury Island, Solomon Islands. PAPILIO XENOPHILUS, n. sp. Male.- Upperside dark brown : primaries-a straw-coloured transverse marginal band slightly curved inwards towards the apex, straight on the outer edge and nearly parallel with hind margin, rather clouded on inner edge ; nervures crossing band dark brown and clouded at their edges : secondaries tailed, scolloped ; a straw-coloured transverse and somewhat outwardly dentated band from costa, near apex, to inner margin just above anal spot; anal spot indistinct, composed above of blue and below of pinkish-yellow atoms ; indentations whitish. I nderside : primaries, same as above but band paler : secondaries, no band, but instead a series of seven whitish-yellow spots, the three near anal angle and one at apex near costa small and indistinct, the other three large and oblong-oval; beyond these spots patches of bluish atoms; a marginal row of indistinct orange-yellow spots, above each of which is a cloudy pyriform blotch ; an orange-yellow spot at anal angle, bordered above by a few blue atoms. Exp. 110 millim. Hab. Ugi, Solomon Islands. This species comes near P. capaneus, Westw., but differs in having the bands right across the wings, and in the markings of the underside. PAPILIO ERSKINEI, n. sp. (Plate XXXIV. fig. 1.) Male.- Upperside greenish black : primaries with a marginal band of eight large creamy-yellow spots curved inwards at the apex, extending from subcostal to submedian nervure, and with indications of another spot between submedian nervure and inner margin, and a short dash of the same colour between the subcostal nervure and costa, and just above the subcostal spot ; base of cell dusted with a |