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Show 258 MR. R. COLLETT ON BALJENOPTERA BOREALIS. [Feb. 2, from B. sibbaldil ; but as it differs in several respects (thus the neck is reduced to a short and quite thin peduncle, from which the body expands rather abruptly to its full size without any gradual transition), I think that the species has not been previously described, and I propose for it the name E. ruber (figs. E, E ). E. ruber has on its proboscis about four rows of very thin, pointed, and quite transparent spines. The rostellum, the length of which (including the proboscis) is 2 millim., is pointed in front, and has, as a rule, a more or less distinct constriction a little in front of its centre, whence the anterior part narrows regularly towards the proboscis. The rostellum has about Fig. E\ Fig. E. Fig. E. Echinorhynchus ruber, sp. nov. (nat. size 25 mm.). E'. Front part, magnified. 10 rows of spines, the concentric arrangement of which is not always plain. The collum is thick anteriorly, and still somewhat narrower than the rostellum, but rapidly narrows off to a thread-like peduncle ; the neck is, however, quite short, and the total length from the rostellum to corpus is only 3 millim., and is thus even shorter than the breadth of the body. 1 ' Monogr. illustr. Baleinopt cote occ. de Suede ' (fol. Stockholm, 1867), p. 95. |