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Show 1886.] ENTOMOSTRACA FROM SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 89 anterior half marked with a fine reticulated sculpture, colour greenish, clouded with bands of a darker shade. Length -^ of an inch. Collected by Mr. Thomas Steel at Condong, on the Tweed River, near Sydney, N e w South Wales. 2. CYPRIS STANLEYANA (King). (Plate VIII. figs. 3, 4.) Candona stanleyana, King, 1855, Pap. Proc. R. Soc. Van Die-men's Land, vol. iii. pt. 1, p. 66, pi. x. H. This is very much like C. viridula, but the height is somewhat less, the dorsum is more decidedly arched, and the extremities are less obliquely rounded. The surface is marked everywhere with fine, very closely set, and deep longitudinal grooves. Colour light green, slightly clouded. Length ^ of an inch. Taken in the same gathering as the preceding species. Mr. King refers this to the genus Candona; but the lower antenna is provided with a brush of setae reaching about to the extremity of the terminal claws. 3. CYPRIS TATEI, n. sp. (Plate VIII. figs. 5, 6.) Shell, seen from the side, broadly reniform, greatest height in the middle, and equal to more than half the length ; extremities rounded, dorsal margin boldly arched, sloping abruptly behind, more gradually towards the front, ventral deeply sinuated in the middle ; seen from above, the outline is ovate, somewhat compressed in front, widest behind the middle, anterior extremity subacuminate ; posterior wide and rounded ; valves unequal, that of the right side the larger. Surface smooth, colour yellowish brown, with darker clouded markings. Length y1^ of an inch. Taken by Prof. R. Tate in " brackish pools in a dry creek at Adelaide." This species, though considerably more tumid, has very much the general character of C. prasina, Fischer (fretensis, Brady & Robertson), and of G. incongruens, Ramdohr, especially as to the curiously compressed anterior extremity. It is remarkable, too, that all of these are inhabitants, almost exclusively, of brackish water. I have pleasure in naming the species after Prof. Ralph Tate, by whom it was found, and to whose kindness I am indebted for the opportunity of describing it. 4. CYPRIS MYTILOIDES, n. sp. (Plate IX. figs. 1-3.) Shell, seen laterally, elongated, siliquose, highest in front, produced behind into a very acute, tapering beak ; height equal to less than one half the length ; anterior extremity broad and boldly rounded, dorsal margin boldly arched, highest near the front, thence sloping at first with a gentle curve, but more abruptly towards the posterior extremity, in front of which it is deeply sinuated; ventral margin almost straight, with a slight median sinuation; seen from above, compressed, oblong, widest near the middle, about thrice and a half as long as broad ; extremities acute, the posterior the more |