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Show his fil a/ rd tha't 'Degrce' withbtifl6fiftg fight of them,. let hin\ .add• tcrtr Cvpl\e'rS'to each Of thOfe''Numlle~ ~ f'or that will bring it nb nearer tile' ei<H of ihRrllte' Dlviflori, tbtn tM fir-fl.\ half doll&. l mull; c"nfeiS for my p'a'rt' t HaVI! no Clear, diffinU JdMs of the diffdr~nt Bulk, or Extenfion of thofe>Bcidies, 1\avirlg' lllft it very obfcure_one:of e•tilett of. ~hem. So that,.t think when we talk of Divj(lon or Bod1eS "'' zkjilfttum, our Ido of Dhet~ diftintiBu\k's or Exreh'fion, which is the SubjeCt and Foundamon of Divifion's comes to IX! eo\lfourlded,ancl' almoft loft-in Obfcurity. For that /Jea,, \MlicT1 is to reprefent only B'lgnefs,muilibe very obfcure and ~onfutcd,which· \lie cannot diftinguiOi from otfeten times a~ big, but only by Number:fo tllal' \~e 1\ave cl<!af d!ffinct Idw, we may fay of Tenl and One, but no dillinGf /tlltrs of lwo'fnch Exteilflons. ''Fis plain from hence, that when/ we t~llt of ilifinife DI'V'iliOilify of Body,·or Exrenfion, our diCtinB: aod.clear Ideas are onl·y of )\;!rihilks: lilllt fh'e dear I di!!in& ld'e~· of Enenr.on, after lOme Progfl!fs ofDlvlfion, ls quit~· loft: and of fudh mmute' Patts, we have no diffinc!l: /dw :it till · blit it {erur'n·s, Mall our Ideas of lrlfinite do, aC t:irt fii ri.a!'ofNlu\ibei' ;1\va)"sfo t;e·aol&d; but thereby never 2111ountstd .lriy diftit/a Idea of acroal, irifinife !lat!s. We have, 'tis true, a dear ldr~ 6f dlilili'dn, !softer. as we i(il{l think of it: but thereby we have no more Hleir Jdrd of iii finite PAitslli M:fttef, th~tr we h[Vf'll clear Idea of an in• filiife Nu11ilie'f, by being able Ctill tiJ add new Numll<!rs to any rrlligned Ntuhlier we li:tv'e : etldlefs D'tvifiblHtJ giving us No more a clear and di• Rintf Idbi of :ictliall)l infinite Patfsl than endlefs Addibillty (if I 1111.y (d lflta'k) gives tis it clear addtHfiiott Ideo of a !'I a6ht~lly infiniw Number r tfiey bbtHbeliig orlly in :1 PbWer llilllif irt€reafing the Number, boit :tlrea• dy as great as it will. SodtlitofwllaHethalns to be added,( wharein confifu £lie JilRni!y;) we have J:j(Jt li.o olifeurc!, il11!'erfeCI, and confufed Ideal from fir a!Jolit Wllich w@ cad argtlt, bf fatftitl with no Certainty or Cleatnefs, no ltiore th11il we €an id AritHmetlcll,about a Number of which we have no l!lch !lifiiHlf lilra; :i~ we hilvedf 4tit t ooj lilut only tllis relative obfcure bhe, lllat compared to tthy btMt, It is Ctil.l bigger! and we have no more 1t clear; \>ofitlve Iilea of it, when we faj t1t conceive it is bigger, or more than 400; abO, ooo; than if We fhoultl fay , ic is biggct than 40, or 4: 4ooo, ocld, doo, having ho nearer ~proportion to the end of Addition, of Number, ihan4. Forhetllataddsbhly 4 to 4• and fo proceeds, !hall a3 fdon come to the end df all Addition, as h~ that adds 400, ooo, ooo, to 40o, obo; ooo. Antl fo li~e\Vife in· l!ttrrtity 1hc that has art Itl.a of but four year§, hi.s as much a po'fitlve coffipli!at Utd of litetnicy, u~ he that has 'One of 4oo, ood; ooo of Yeats' For wh~t relll~ins of Ettrnity beyond etther of thefe two Numbers of Years, is as clear to the one as the other; i.e. neither oftliem has arty clear pofit\l>e fdta \If it at 1111. For he that adds only 4 Years to 4, nild fo on, lhall t~ foon tt:tth Eternity, ns he ~liat ad'ds4oo,ooo, ooo ofYenrs, art\! fo on; or if he pleafe, doubles tire ~n'creafe :is ofren a~ he will : Tl\e remainit\g Abyfs being ll:ill as far ~ yohd tl\e end of all the'fe Progte«tons·, as it is from the leng~h of a Day, "?ran Hour. For nothing finirt~, bears any \)to portion to infinite; and thereloh:imr llleas, wli\ch are all fill\te, ltann0t bear any. Thus it ·i• al· lfu m o,ur Idea _of Extt wfioh, 'When 1Ve increafe it by Additi0A, aS wellls \1!1\•?. we dunlnllh •t by Divir.on, O.lld would enlarge our Thought~ to•n· fimte Space. After a few dm\bliogsofthofe llteas of-E'Xtcnf>On, whtcltate tl\e large'Ct we are accu'ftomed to have 1Ve Jofe the dea~ diCtioct Idea of t\ia't Space : it bec01hes a cOIIfufcdl:y -gh:at one, with a Surplus of Ctill grc•t: r·; i>.bout Which, Whe.n we woul~ •rgue, or rcafon, we !hall always find 'Oilr fdlv~s at a lofs·; conf11'fed ldN~<<'n our Arg\lings, >.~nd Deductions fr0111 t'hcm, always leading us into confu6on. C H A P. Chap.XXiX. Real and Phantaftical Ideas; C 1-i A P. xxoc. bf Real and Phantaffical Ideas. §. 1. BEtides what we have already mentioned, concerning IJeat, othef Conr.derations belong to them,mreference to things from whence they are taken, or which they may be fupp?f~d t~ reprefent ; and thus, I think, they may come under a threefold d1Ctmdton; and are, Firj/, Either real, or phantaft•cat · S.cowtlly, Adequate, or madequatc. 1hirtl1J, Tru, , or falfe. Firf1, By real Ideas, I mean fuch as have a Foundation in Nature ; fuch as have a Conformity with the real Being, and ExiCtence of Things, or with their Archetypes. P/;antajlical or chymerical, I call fuch as have no foundation in Nature, nor have any Conformity with that rea· lityofBeing, to which they are tacitly referr'd, as to their Archetypes. If we enmine the feverol forts of Ideas before-mentioned, w~ thallllnd; that, . §. ~. Firjl, Our fimple Ideas ar~ aH real, all agree to the teality of things. Not that they are all of them the Images , or . re'prefentatic_ns of what does exiCt, the contrary whereof, I" all but the pnmary Qgalltles of Bodies, hath been already !hewed. ~ut though Whitenefs and_ Cold" nelS are no more in Snow, than Pam 1s; yet thofe Ide•s of WhtteneiS and Coldne& Pain, &c. being in us the Effects of Powers in Things with· out us, ordai~ed by our Maker, to. p:odu~e in us fuch. Senfations; they are real Ueas in us, whereby we d1Ctmgu•fh the Qgahtles, that are really in thingnhemfelves. Forthefe fevel)ll Appearo~ces, being . deligned ta be the Marks, whereby we are to krtow, and d1Ctmgu•fh Tlungs we have to do with . our Ideas do as well ferve us to that purpofe, and are as real difiinguifhi~g Characters, whether they be only conCtant Effects, or elfe cxaa Refemblances of fomething in the things themfelves: the reality lying in that Cteady corrcfpondence, they have with the diCtinll: Con" fritutions of real Beings. But whether they anfwer to thefeConft•tut•ons; as to Caufes or Patterns, it matters not; it fuilices, that they arc conCtant· ly produced by them. And thus our r.mple Itleas are all real and true, be· caufc they anfwer and agre~ to thofe ~owers ?fThings, which produce them io our Minds, that bemg all that IS reqmfite to make them real, and not fifrious at Pleafure. For in fimple Itleas, (as has been fhewed,) the Mind is wholly confined to the Operation ~f things upon it; and can make to it felf no fimple Idea, more than what 1t has rece!ved. §. l· Though the Mind be wholly yaffive, 111 refpell: of 1ts fimple I!w: Yet, !think, we may fay, 1t ts notfo, 10 refpect of 1ts complex Ideas. For thofe being Combinations of r.mple ltleas, put together, and umted u~der one general Name; 'tis plam,that the MmdofMan ufes fomekmd ofL1ber· ty. in forming thofe compkx !tleas.. How elfe comes •t.to palS, that one Man's Jdra of Gold, or juCt1ce, IS d1fferent from another s: But becoufe he Ins put in, or lett out of his, fome fimplc !tlea, wluch.the other has not. The ~eCtion then is, Which ?f tbefe are real, and wluch ba~ely 1ma~mary Combmations: what Collectwns agree to the reality ofTiungs, an what not! Andtothis lfay,That . §. 4· S" omlly, Mixed fr!odrs and Relations, having no cr other reality, but what they have in the Mmds of Men, there 1s nothm, more requ•- z red |