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Show Contents. 17.-S'Cowdly,Modes not faife. ~8. Thirdly, /Jeas of Subfla•cer are faife, whtn tbe Combination is made of fmple /J.as tbat Jqnever t ... exif/;.r bas in it tbe negation of anyone tbat doesconjlantly coexi/1. 19. Tr,uth or Fa/fhood always fopptljes affirmation or negation. :z.o.Ideas in themfelves neitber true nor faife. :Z.I. But are falfe, Firf/, w/;en jutlged •greeable to anotber Man's Idea without being,Jo. u. Secondly, Wben judged to agree.to real Exifle•ce, wben tbey do not. :Z.J. Th~rdl], When judged adequate witbout heingfo. 2.4. FoxrtiJiy, When j11dged to repre• (ent the real Ej[ence. · 25.IdeaJ wbenfaife. :z.6. More properly to he called Rig,bt or Wron~. 2.7. Conclujron. BOOK III. CHAP. I. Of Words ~r Language i11 gmeral. SECT, . . I. Man fitted to form qrticulate ·Sounds. · ' :z.. To makubemfg,ns of Ideas. 3,4 To make general Signs. ' 5· Words ultimately derived from focb as /tg•ifie fenfble Ideas. 6. Dif/rihution. CHAP. II; lJf the Signification of Words. LECT1 I. Words are fenfole Siglts necef[ary for communication. :z.,J. Words im thtfenfSie Sifll! ofhiJ Ideas who ufes tMm. 4 W<Jrds •ften fecrerly referred, hrf/, to the Ideas in other Men's Minds. 5· Secondly, T .. the reality •f Thing>". 6. Words bf ufe rea,ily excit~ Ideas. 7• Wortls often •fed RJithout fgnifi· c"t'o".' 8. lbeir ..Si~niication perjdlly ar!Jitrary, SECT. CHAP. III. Of general Terrm. I.The greate/lpart of Words general· :z.. For eve? particular thing to have a name rs rmpoji!Jie. 3,4. And ufelefi·. 5. What things htr11e proper namet, 6---8. How generolWordJ are made 9· General Natures art nothin; but ah/lra!l> Ideas. "' IO. WflJ,tl" Genus is.ordinari!Jmade ufe •f'r!l Dejnitions, II. General and unive;fat are Creatures of tbe Vnderflanding. u. Ah/iratl Ideas are the Effinces of the Genera and Species. 13· Tbey are the Workman/hip of the ZJ.nd;rfJandmg, but have their ftm.HdatJon i~ Jth~ 'jmilitude 0r , thtngs. ~ 'I4· Each dijl.i,fl a~)~11n'u,; is a difhnfl Effince. I 5· R<al "'I'd nominal Bffi»ce. 16. Confluf!l connexion 6etll1Un the Namt. and nomin¥1 ,E/fence. I 7· S~ppPjition that Spe~ies aredi/lin· guijheJ by their. real Effinw ufifefr. · I8. Real and 1/omi~a!./j/fonce the fame ill fimple IdeaS' a•1d.Modes diffe· re11t in Su/tfl4Nas. · ' 19· E~JJces i~tg/niraUe 411d incorra· ptrble. · >to. Recapitulatio11. CHAP. Contents. cHAP. iV. Of tl1t ~ames of (tmple Itkas, SECT. J, Names of jimplt Ideas, Modes, and Suhjlalices, htnie eacb femerhhig pttuliar. :z.. Firjl, Names of jimple Ideas and Suhjlances, intimate real Exijlence. .. l· Secondly, Names of Jimp/e Ideas and Modes fg,nifte always loth real alid nomina/E./fence. 4- Thirdly, Names of fimple IdeAs unde]inaUe. 5· If all were definaMe, 'tJVou!d he a procefs in infinitum. 6.What a Definition is. 7.Simple.Jdeas JVhy Nnde]iHable. 8,9. In/lances Motion. 10. Ligbt. . . ' u.Simple IdeaSJvhy tJndefinahle,far• tlw explained. ' u, q. The cuntrAry jhewed in complex Ideas hy inf/ancer of a SJatue and Rainh01v. 14· The Names of complex Ideas wheu to be. malt: intelligiUe by Words. j~. Foltrth!J,' Names'of jiWtple fdeas leaf/ doubtful. Idea is often lefore the EJii. Jle•ce. ~- In/lances M•rther, Incejl, Staf,. bi•t.· 'l· But f!iNfobftrvieni to tbe end of Languag•. . . 8. Whrreoj thr i.rtranf/ataUe Words ofdivers LanguageJ are a proof · 9· Tim jhmr Species to he made f or Communicai/on. 10,1 J. /11 mixeJ Modes 't is ihe Name that tiu t~e Combination t ogp tiJer, and mal.:e it a Species. 1 >. For the Originalr ofmi.wd ii'JodeJ. we look no farther thau the Mi•d, which aljo jhews them to be the Workmanfhlp of the Ynder/lan• ding. . . 1 l · Their heint. m•dehy t/;e Vnder· flanding wsthout P atternr, jhewJ ihe reafon why they are fo com· pounded. 14. NamU of mi.~rd Modes j/and always for their real Effinces. I). Why tbeir Names are ufuaUy goi hefort t/;eir Ideas. 16. Reafon o['l'y beingfo large on thiJ Subjtfl. ; ' CHAP. VI. I6. Frfrhly, Simple Ideas hl11lt feJV Of the Names of Sub'flances. .Afcents in linea pr:ctlicamenrali. 17· Si><thly, Names of jimplt Ideas Hand for Idtas 'not at aU arbi• trary. SECT. 1.fhe commo• #ames of Suh/lances Jla~d for forts.· C}IA.P. V. Of tl1e ~ames of mixd Sftfodes a11J ' rJ{_t/atiOIIS. · • SECT. . . . 1.1bey pand for ahjlrafl Ide•s, as other general Names. :z.. Fir}l, 1he !dear they fland for; are made by the Vnderjlanding. 3• Swmdiy, Made arbitrMily, and witbout Patternr. 4· Horo this is done. 5· Evidtntly ar/litrary, in t'/;•t tbe i. T/;e J~ffence of each fori is the a/;flrafl Idea. . l · Tht nomin'aJ and real Effince dif· ferrnt. 4'" 6.. N~thing t./font ialto InJividualr. 7,8. The nominal E./fence boHnds the SpecieJ. . 9· Not the real E{fe~ct wbicb JVe kNOW 110(, 10. Ndt fo/;fl .. tial forms wlfich we tnDW left. . II. ThAt the ••minal Effin<e is that wberety we di}lingHijh Species, fartber evident frDm Spirits. 11. w6ereof tbere art prok6!y •• ,.. berlejs Speciu. |