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Show 74 Complex Ideas. Book II. wo forts which deferve diftinCl: con- ~ 5 Of thefe Modes, the~e are \. h re' only variations, or dtlferent fide~at.ion. Firft, There are ,ome w ~tc w~thout the mixture of any other, combinations of the fame. fimple !del ~ but the Ideas of fo many dt!ltnCl: as a dozen, or fcore ; whtch are not u~g tm ~~ Modes, as being contamed Unites added together, ant, th~: }/::: ~etondly, There arc others comwithin the bounds of ~ne 'f},P 1 kinds put together to make one com-ounded of limple Iaeas o evera of a c~rtain compofitio~ of Colour and ~lex one; v. g. Be~uty, .conli~nlg lder . /heft, which bemg the conceaFi<> ure, cauling deltg~ ffin the f e 1y0 thing without the confent of the Proled change ofthe po~,e -'f,n1 ° an bindtion of feveral Ideas of feveral prietor contatns, as ts vt.tb e, a d,om kinds1 'and thefe l calltrdxed f.; b~ es are fuch combinations of lim pie ~.6. Secondly, The /. eas 0 u difri'~a: articular things fubf1fting by Ideas as are taken. to reprefentf< d • onfufed Idea of Sub!lance, fuch as themfelvcs; in wlnfihnthe~p)~ f. ·~~~~us if to Sub!lancc be joined the it is, is always the r ~n d~llte ~hjtilh colour, with certam d~rees of fimplc !d~a of a certat.n d Fufibility, we have the Idea ot L eat(; Weight, Hi1rdnefs, DuCl:llttyjJ:c f' cettain fort of Figure, With the and a combination of t Je , ead ~ [. nin joined to Subfiance, make powers of Motion, Thought, a~ eaf ~ub~;nces affo, there are two forts the ordinary Idea i a1 ~nbfianoe~ 0., they exifi fcparately, as of a Ma11, of Ideas; one of mg e u \ f thofe ut together, as an Army of or a S/;eep ; the pther of. feveh~ ho UeEii.Je Ideas of feveral Subflanm Men, or Flock• of Sheep; h tc h "r them one lingle !d•n, as that of thu~ put together, are as muc eac o . ,. a Man, or an Urute. f lex Ideas is that we call Relatrow, ~- 7. Thud!~, T)1e la!lfi~rt ~ c~~ comparl~gone Id•a with another1 whi<;:h conli!ls mthecon' erttto~: in theirord'er. . of t~fe feveral kinqs, we lha P' fS of our Minds and with attentton ~- 8. J:fwe. will trace the pro~rlJer and unitel' tt~ fimple Ideas receiQbferve how 1t repeats, ad~t>g ·\t ~~II lead 'Vs farther than at firfi, per· ·ved from Senfatton or Refl_ do, Me I believe we !hall find, if we waibap:;, we lhould have.ljg're . Notio'ns that e;en the mo{f a6f/rrlje Jdw, rily obferve the Ougma s 0 our [J m' Senfe or an.y opeJation of our how remote foever they may tee!jlth: Under!l;nding frame~ to it felf, by own Mmds, are y~t only fu~ Jde that it liad etther from ObJeCl:s of repeatipg and jommg toget erb<i ta:hcm . So that thofe even large and Senfe, or Its own operattons a u enfotro~ or Rejleefron' being no oth~r a6f/raEIIdear are derzved from. S ufe ~f its own Faculties, employ d than what the !'1ind fby t10~~na~fScnfc or'tllf! Opcrattoos it obferves about IdeaJ received rom i d s ttairt ~nto. Tlus I !hall endeavour in it felf about them, may, and foSes a J. J an'd Infinity and fome few to !hew in the Ideas we have o pace, rm ' . . ' othe;' tbat feem_ the mofi remote from thofe Qnt:;mals. I • I ( Jl I ,, ) .,. CHAP. Chap. XIII. Simple Modes of Space. CHAP. Xlll. OJ {imple .!Modes ; and firft, of tbe.(tmple .!Modes of Space. §. I. THough in the foregoing part, I have often mentioned limple Ideas, which are truly the Materials <•f all our Knowlednc · , yet having treated of them the~e, rather in the way that they come0 in: to the Mind, than as dt!lmgmfl1ed from others more compounded it 1Vill not be, perhaps, amifs to tal<e a view of fome of them again under this Confideration,. and exam me thofe dtfferent ll1odJjicationr of rbe {a me Idea. which the Mmd etther finds m tlungs extflmg, or ts abfe to make within it felf, without the help of any extrinfical ObjeCl:, or any foreign Suggefiion. . . , Thofe Modifications of any one :ftmple Idea (winch aS has been faid, I call jimple Jlfodes) arc as perfeCl:ly different and di!linct lde•s in the Mind, as thofe of the greatcfi dtfiancc or CO!itrattety. For the Idea of Twn, is as difiin~'l from ibree, as Bluen•fs from Fie at, or either of them from any Number; and yet they are made up only of that fimple Idea of an Unite repeated; and thcfe Repetitions joined together, make thofe di!linCl: jimple Modes, of a Dozen, a Grofs, a Million. ~. 2• I !hall begin with the Jimpl• Idea of Space. I have !hewed above, c. 4. that We get the Idea of Space, both by our Sight, and Touch; which, I think, is fo evident, that It would be as needlefs, to go to prove, that Men perceive by their Sight, a di!lance between Bodies of different Colours or between the parts of the fame Body; as that they lee Colours them'felves: Nor is it lefs obvious, that they can do fo in the Dark by ~~ ~Th~ . . ~- 3• This Space confide red barely m length between any two Bcmgs, Without cdnfidering any thmg elfe between them, IS called dif/aHce: If tonfiderecl iri Length, Breadth, and T hicknefs, I think, it may be called Capacity: When conlidered . between . the extremities of Mattet·, which fills the Capacity of Space Wtth fomcrlnng foltd, tangtble, and movable, it is properly called Exte.jion. And fo Extenfion is an Idea belonging to Body only; but Space may, as is ev1dent, be confidered without it. At leafi I think it mofi intelligible, and the befi way to avoid Confulion, if we ~(e the Word Extenfion tor an AlfeCl:ion of Matter, or the cliflancc of the Extremities of particular folid Bodies; and Space in the more general Signification for difiance , with or without folid Matter polfcfling it. ~+Each different difiancc is a different Modification of Space, and each Idea of any dtfferent dlj/aHc'e, or Space,is a jimple Mode of this Idea. Men having by accufioming themfelvcs to fiated I:ngths of Space, which they ufe fOr meafuring of other d1fiancest as a .foot, a Tard,_ or a Fatb()m, a Leat,ue, or Diametre of the Eart!J, made thole Ideas familiar. to their T houghts, can in their Mmds repeat them as Olten as they wtll,, without m1xing or joining to them the Idea of Body, or any thmg elfe; and lfame to themfdves the Ideas of long. ftp>are, or cubick, Feet, Yards, or Fathoms,hcre amongfi the Bodies of the Univerfe, or elfe beyond the utmo!l Bounds of all Bod;es; and by add1ng thefc fl,JI one to another, enlarge their Jd,a of Space as much as they plcafe. This Power of repeating, or doubling any Mea we have of any dt11ance, and addtng 1t to I. > the 75 |