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Show 84 REV. H. S. GORHAM ON N E W [Mar. 6, 21. AULACOCHILUS AGABOIDES, var.? FURCIFERUS. (Plate XVIII. fig. 11.) A. agaboidi similis at paullo major, macula basali cum lunula subapicali per vittam discoidalem conjuncta. Long. 9| millim. Hab. Philippine Islands, N . W . Luzon (Semper). If this is only a variety of the species already described as A. agaboides, it would still be an advantage that it should have a separate designation ; but I think it will very probably prove to be a constant form. The basal yellow mark is of tbe same shape ; but its second and third teeth are lost in the conspicuous vitta which unites it with the posterior lunule. This mark has its points so strongly recurved as to form three quarters of a ring. A single specimen is in m y collection ; and I have not seen it elsewhere. 22. AULACOCHILUS EPISCAPHOIDES. (Plate XVIII. fig. 12.) Oblongo-ovatus, parum nitidus, nigro-subcyaneus ; capite profunde, thorace obsoletius sed crebre punctato, alutaceis, hoc antice angustato lateribus paululum reftexis ; elytris tenuiter punctato-striatis, interstitiis obsolete crebre punctatis, macula magna baseos, punctum nigrum includente, fasciaque lunulata nee suturam nee marginem attingente sanguineis. Long. 9 millim. Hab. Andaman Isles. Less convex than usual for the species in the genus, nor so much attenuated in front and behind as is generally the case. The general form is that of A. sericeus, Bedel, to which section of the genus the present species belongs. It may be recognized from any described species by the black round spot, which is surrounded by the red basal patch. This patch has three short branches externally, one towards the base and one towards the outer margin, betweeu which is the callus; there is a third short branch at the outer posterior angle. The posterior lunule has rather the appearance of a double united spot, both sides being indented. 23. PSELAPHACUS MYSTICUS. Niger, nitidus, thorace seriebus duabus punctorum ; elytris fortiter punctato-striatis, macula basali bifida, fasciis tribus undulatis, posteriore ramum ad apicem emittente et cum fascia secunda conjuncta lineaque submarginali fulvis; tibiis anterioribus cur-vatis, ad apicem ampliatis, intus crenulatis. Long. 14-17*niillim. Hab. Peru, Chancomayo. 8 • Allied to P. curvipes, but very much more shining, and differing in pattern, having three transverse fascia? besides the basal bidentate mark, of which the two posterior are joined near the suture by a straight band. In some varieties of P. curvipes, viz. in m y examples of the variety named gracilis, the third fascia has a stripe uniting it with the apex ; but this stripe (which is present in P. mysticus) |