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Show 404 M. JACOBY ON NEW SPECIES OF BEETLES. [Julie 19, to apex; upper surface obsoletely three-foveolate, fulvous or flavous, closely rugose-punctate. Scutellum trigonate, closely punctured. Elytra much widened towards the apex, narrowly margined below the middle at the sides, very closely and finely granulose-punctate, of a bright green, but little shining, with a slightly sinuate transverse flavous band below the middle extending to either margin. In m y collection. The present species forms the second one known from Africa, and seems allied to M. limbata, Baly, from which the flavous elytral band and want of the similarly coloured margins of the elytra separate it. M E R I S T A , Chap. 10. M E R I S T A O B E R T H U R I . (Plate X L V . fig. 10.) Oblong-ovate, widened behind, black ; thorax impunctate; elytra very finely punctured, the extreme lateral margin, a narrow transverse band before, and two others behind the middle flavous; claws bifid, the inner division small. Length 4^-5 lines. Head impunctate, black. Thorax subquadrate, the anterior angles slightly produced and thickened ; surface impressed with two transverse shallow grooves, of which the first is situated close to the anterior margin, the second near the middle, more deeply impressed and obliquely shaped at the sides ; disk impuuctate, with the exception of a few punctures along the anterior and posterior margins. Scutellum broad, impunctate. Elytra much wider at the base than the thorax, distinctly widened behind, very greatly in the female, entirely black, very finely punctured, the punctures now and then arranged in semi-regular rows; the extreme lateral margins, a very narrow transverse band before, two others more closely approached behind the middle, and the posterior part of the suture flavous. Hab. Thibet (TatsiCulon Mount). Collection Oberthur and Jacoby. The antennae are more than two thirds the length of the body, and of the usual structure to be found in the present genus. Of the three bands at the elytra the middle one extends generally to the lateral margin, which is not the case with the other two. From all the described species, the present one, of which I have seen six specimens, sent to me by M . Oberthur for determination, is easily distinguished by its coloration. PHYSONYCHIS, Chap. 11. PHYSONYCHIS NIGRICOLLIS, sp. nov. (PlateXLV.fig.il.) Elongate, subparallel, flavous below ; base of the head and the thorax black ; elytra metallic green or blue, closely rugose-punctate. Length 4-41 lines. Head closely and distinctly punctured at the vertex, the latter black; frontal tubercles highly raised, elongate; the latter and lower |