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Show 1883.] M. JACOBY ON NEW SPECIES OF BEETLES. 401 3. OIDES CLARKII, sp. nov. (Plate XLV. fig. 3.) Oblong-ovate, testaceous ; antennae piceous ; elytra closely punctured, the suture and a longitudinal band, divided at the middle, from the base to the apex black. Length 3^ lines. Hab. New Guinea, Waigiou. Head with a central impressed groove and a deep transverse depression between the eyes; labrum testaceous, punctured ; apex of jaws black. Antennoe elongate, the third and fourth joints nearly of equal length. Thorax narrowly transverse, the anterior and posterior margins parallel, the sides slightly rounded; surface transversely depressed in front of the anterior margin, and with a round shallow fovea at each side, obsoletely and finely punctured. Scutellum obscure piceous. Elytra widened towards the middle, the sides slightly constricted below the base; the surface covered with fine but distinct punctures, testaceous ; a narrow sutural and a broad lateral band from the base to the apex, both bands joined at the latter place, black ; the lateral band is divided longitudinally in the middle by a narrow space of the ground-colour. Underside and legs testaceous ; tibia and tarsi slightly darker. Collected by Mr. Wallace. Allied to O. fryi and O. seminigrum, Clark, but distinguished from both by the sutural band. In one specimen before me the lateral elytral band is entire and not divided at the middle, but in other respects the specimen agrees with the type. 4. OIDES BIPLAGIATA, sp. nov. (Plate XLV. fig. 2.) Broadly ovate, flavous ; thorax and elytra very finely punctured, the latter with a transverse band at the middle and a large oval spot at the apex black. Length 4-4 h lines. Hab. New Guinea, Port Moresby. Head convex, with a central longitudinal impressed line ; space between the eyes deeply transversely grooved, limited in front by a thickened oblique ridge. Antennae about half as long as the body, obscure fulvous, the fourth joint nearly double as long as the third. Thorax narrowly transverse, the sides slightly widened in front of the base, the posterior angles rounded; surface rather convex, with a few oblique obsolete depressions near the sides and the base, ex-. tremely finely punctured. Scutellum impunctate. Elytra widened towards the middle, with a distinct flattened margin, extremely closely and more distinctly punctured than the thorax, flavous; a transverse band at the middle (consisting of two spots united, of which the outer one is the smallest), and a large oval-shaped patch near the apex black. Underside and legs entirely flavous. Collection Jacoby. MEGALOGNATHA, Baly. 5. MEGALOGNATHA CRUCIATA, sp. nov. (Plate XLV. fig. 7.) Elongate, convex, widened behind, fulvous ; head, breast, legs, |