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Show 262 MR. F. MOORE ON LIMNAINA AND EUPLCEINA. [May 1, at the apex, exterior margin even, slightly concave below the and convex in the middle; abdominal margin short. Antennae with a gradually thickened blunt club. LONTARA WALLACEI. Euplcea wallacei, Felder, Wien. entom. Monats. iv. p. 231 (1860); Reise Novara, Lep. ii. p. 346, pl. 39. f. 5, 6 (1867). Crastia wallacei, Butler, Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. xiv. p. 299. Euplcea felder i, Boisd. MS., 8 • Hab. Batchian ; Gilolo. GAMATOBA, n. g. Wings in male shorter than in typical Vadebra; fore wing broader, shorter, apex convex, exterior margin uneven, posterior margin very convex; hind wing shorter and broader. Type G. aithiops. 1. GAMATOBA OCCULTA. Euplcea occulta, Butler, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1877, p. 467. Crastia occulta, Butler, Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. xiv. p. 299. Hab. New Guinea (Port Moresby). 2. GAMATOBA H-ETHIOPS. Euplcea aithiops, Butler, Proc Zool. Soc. 1866, p. 285, 8 • Crastia athiops, Butler, Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. xiv. p. 299. Hab. Waigiou. 3. GAMATOBA REAUMURI. Euplcea reaumuri, Oberthur, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Geneva, xii. p. 457 (1878). Hab. Dorey. In coll. C. Oberthur and British Museum. 4. GAMATOBA LATREILLEI. Euplcea latreillei, Kirsch, Mitth. kon. zool. Mus. Dresden, 1877, p. 115, 8- Hab. New Guinea (Dorey). In coll. C. Oberthur. 5. GAMATOBA ALECTO. Euplcea alecto, Butler, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1866, p. 275, 8- Crastia alecto, Butler, Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. xiv. p. 298. Hab. Ceram. 6. GAMATOBA MONILIFERA, n. sp. Female. Ochreous violet-brown, darkest basally : fore wing with a submarginal row of eight ochreous-white spots curving outward from the costa, the fourth and fifth the largest, a marginal row of very small spots : hind wing with a submarginal row of distinct ochreous-white spots placed in a somewhat regular linear series from the anal angle, where they are oval, the others being rounded and the upper |