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Show 190 MR. W. L. DISTANT ON THE CICADIDAE. [Apr. 17» rounded at apices. Abdomen above distinctly and longitudinally raised and carinate. Face very prominent, strongly compressed and wedge-shaped, concavely narrowing on its apical half. Rostrum reaching the intermediate coxae. Tegmina elongate; the costa very slightly depressed immediately beyond base, and then slightly raised and convex from about tbe apex of upper ulnar area; the interior ulnar area with the apex slightly but distinctly broader than base; tbe space between tbe apices of the postcostal vein and the postcostal ulnar ramus ampliated, and the costal margin very finely hirsute ; apical areas eight, the eighth broadest and shortest; an additional curved and rudimentary vein connecting the base of the second and the apex of the fifth ulnar areas, this vein is distinct and perfect for a short distance from the base of the second and into the third ulnar areas, after which it is subobsolete ; basal area almost twice as long as broad. M y knowledge of this most interesting genus is confined to a female specimen collected by Dr. A. B. Meyer in Celebes. PERISSONEURA MACULOSA, n. sp. (Plate XXV. figs. 3, 3a, 36.) $. Pale ochraceous or greenish; ocelli castaneous; mesonotum with two central obconical dark spots, the bases of which rest on anterior margin ; on each side of these is a much longer and more acutely pointed spot, and a small round spot in front of each anterior branch of the cruciform basal elevation, which is marked by two central darker lines ; abdomen above sparingly pilose, the apical segmental margins paler. Body beneath and legs pale ochraceous or greenish ; femora near apices, tibiae near bases and at apices, and apices of tarsi fuscous. Rostrum with the apex pitchy. Tegmina and wings pale hyaline, tbe first minutely spotted along all the veins and more or less across its apical half. Long. $, 18 millim.; exp. tegm. 56 millim. Hab. Celebes (Br. Meyer). (Mus. Dresden.) TlBICEN 1 LIFUANA, Montr. Cicada lifuana, Montr. Ann. Soc. Ent. de Fr. ser. 4, i. p. 70. 3 (1861). 8 • Head and pronotum pale ochraceous, the last with two central longitudinal pale brownish lines, the posterior margin greenish with its inner border and tbe lateral margins pale brownish. Mesonotum pale brownish, the lateral margins and cruciform elevation ochraceous. Abdomen warm ochraceous, the disk brownish and the base of the last segment broadly blackish. Body beneath and legs ochraceous. Tegmina and wings pale hyaline. Tegmina with the costal membrane and basal half of venation greenish, remaining venation and claval area brownish. Wings with the venation brownish, the claval area more or less suffused with the same colour. Rostrum reaching posterior coxae, its apex dark fuscous. Tbe face is moderately broad, the central sulcation deep, and the transverse striations distinct. Anterior femora armed with three strong spines, the one near apex smallest. Posterior femora with a few |