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Show 524 MR. F. MOORE ON N E W ASIATIC LEPIDOPTERA. [Nov. 20, CYANIRIS ALBIDISCA, n. sp. (Plate XLVIII. fig. 7.) Allied to C. puspa. Male. Fore wing dark blue, with a narrow black marginal band decreasing to a point at posterior angle ; hind wing with a narrow black, slightly macular, marginal band. Both wings with a prominent white discal patch. Underside white, with similarly disposed but more slender and less prominent markings than those in C. puspa. Expanse If inch. Hab. Nilgiris, S. India. In coll. F. Moore. CYANIRIS JYNTEANA, n. sp. (Plate XLVIII. fig. 10.) Near C. puspa. Male. Fore wing comparatively shorter, tbe blue less intense and slightly paler; the discal area slightly white-speckled ; with a blackish outer marginal band of one twelfth inch in width : hind wing with a narrow macular marginal band. Underside greyish white: fore wing with a slender indistinct dusky-black discocellular streak, four transverse discal, outwardly oblique, short linear spots, a small costal spot, a submarginal and marginal row of lunular spots: hind wing with three small black subbasal spots, an irregular discal transverse series of nine spots, an indistinct sub-marginal and marginal row of dentate lunular spots. Expanse 14- to If inch. Hab. Khasia and Jyntea hills (Austen). In coll. F. Moore. CYANIRIS SIKKIMA, n. sp. (Plate XLVIII. fig. 11.) Allied to C. Jynteana. Fore wing shorter ; hind wing also shorter and comparatively broader; the marginal blackish band on both wings broader; fore wing with a slender blackish discocellular streak. Underside similarly marked, the discal oblique spots being shorter, and the submarginal dentate lunules broader on both wings. Expanse 1 ^ inch. Hab. Darjiling. In coll. F. Moore. NIPHANDA PLINIOIDES, n. sp. (Plate XLVIII. fig. 8.) Male and Female. Upperside violaceous-brown, with a very faint shade of violet-blue in some lights : fore wing with the discal interspaces between the veins whitish-brown, palest in the male, and traversed by an indistinct darker transverse discal fascia; a marginal row of black spots : hind wing with a marginal row of whitish-bordered black spots, of which the second and third from anal angle are the largest, and two parallel discal curved rows of small whitish spots; cilia alternated with whitish. Underside dirty white : fore wing with a blackish-brown slender streak ascending half length of upper base of the cell, a curved streak from below its base to middle of the cell, and a lunular spot at its end; an interrupted discal macular hand, the upper part with a broad outer fascia, and a sub-marginal and a marginal lunular band ; the latter with two blackish spots on its middle : hind wing with a blackish-brown spot at base of tbe cell, three subbasal spots, one on middle of abdominal margin, and two large spots on costal border, a smaller spot below |