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Show 240 MR. F. MOORE ON LIMNATNA AND EUPLCEINA. [Apr. 17, from angles of upper discocellular ; median branches widely separated, submedian slightly recurved, with a short slender veinlet emitted from below near the base. Hind wing broadly oval; exterior margin rounded, slightly sinuous ; costal vein short, curved upward ; precostal straight; first subcostal emitted before end of the cell and curving upward before the apex, second slightly bent at end of the cell; discocellulars very oblique, upper shortest and slightly concave, radial from their middle; second median branch from near end of the cell, lower bent near its base; submedian nearly straight; internal recurved. Male with an open scent-pouch between lower median and submedian veins. Body long; palpi pilose; middle and hind legs slender ; antennae with a gradually formed lengthened slender club. Larva with three pairs of fleshy filaments. Type 8. genutia. 1. SALATURA GENUTIA. Papilio genutia, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iii. pl. 206. f. C, D (1779) ; Herbst, Pap. pl. 154. f. 1, 2. Limnas ferruginea genutia, Hiibner, Samml. exot. Schmett. Bd. i. pl. 21. f. 1, 2(1806). Salatura genutia, Moore, Lep. of Ceylon, i. p. 6, pl. 4. f. 2 (1880). Danais genutia, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1877, p. 3; Rhop. Malayana, p. 18, pl. 2. fig. 2, cf (1882). Danais (Salatura) genutia, Marshall and de Niceville, Butt, of India, p. 52 (1882). Papilio plexippus (part), Fabr. Spec. Ins. p. 55. Euplozaplexippus (part), Hiibn. Verz. bek. Schmett. p. 15. Danais plexippus (part), Godt. Enc. Meth. ix. p. 186. Danais plexippus, Doubleday and Hewits. Gen. D. L. p. 92 ; Moore, Catal. Lep. Mus. E.I. C. i. p. 124; Butler, P.Z. S. 1866, p. 47. Danaida plexippus, Aurivillius, Kongl. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 1882, p. 69. Hab. India, Ceylon, Andamans, Nicobars, Burmah, Siam, Malay peninsula, Penang, South China, Hainan, Formosa, Hongkong, Philippines. 2. SALATURA NIPALENSIS. (Plate XXXI. fig. 2.) Danais nipalensis, Moore, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1877, p. 43. Danais (Salatura) nipalensis, Marshall and de Niceville, Butt, of India, p. 54 (1882). Hab. Nepal (Gen. Ramsay). In coll. F. Moore 3. SALATURA INTENSA, n. sp. Euplcea plexippus, Horsfield, Catal. Lep. M u s . E.I. C. pl. 3. f. 8, larva (1829) ; Zink. S o m m . Nova Acta Acad. Nat. Cur. 1831, p. 172. Danaisphilene, Moore, Catal. Lep. Mus. E.I. C. i. p. 124, pl. 4. f. 5, 5a. Smaller than 8. genutia. Differs from it in the red interspace |