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Show 1883.] DR. o. BOETTGER ON N E W CLAUSILLE. 327 Var. ORIENTALIS, mihi. Typo minor, testa tenuiore, costulis anfr. mediorum acutioribus, minus undulatis, ultimi vix validioribus. Lam. infera intus minus distincte bifurcata e basi vix callosa ascendens. Alt. 14|-15, lat. 3^-3f mm.; alt. apert. 3\, lat. apert. 2 | mm. Hab. Karpatho island (Spratt). A very characteristic little variety. 5. CLAUSILIA VIRGINEA, Pfr. Symbol, iii. p. 95. Admiral Spratt found this smooth little species in the Pass of Prevli and a slight variety at Sitia (?), island of Crete. 6. CLAUSILIA SUBVIRGINEA, n. sp. (Plate XXXIII. fig. 1.) Maxime off. C. virginese, sed t. minus ventricosa, apert. multo minore. T. minus solida, ulbida, maculis punctisque cinereis hie illic adspersa, opaca. Anfr. 10g, apicales 2 laves, infra-apicales 3 distanter, cateri dense acute striati, ultimus prope aperturam vix validius densestriatus. Apert. parva, minus alta, magis rotundata ; lam. supera minus longa, spiralem disjunctam non transgrediens; infera supera minus approximata, basi magis oblique ascendente nee subhorizontaliter in mediam aperturam prosiliente. Caterum C. virginese, P., simillima. Alt. 14, lat. 3| mm.; alt. apert. 3\, lat. apert. 2| mm. Hab. Island of Crete, without exact indication of habitat (Spratt). This little species is very closely allied to C. virginea, Pfr., but neither so ventricose nor so smooth and polished in the median whorls ; its mouth is strikingly smaller, and the base of the inferior lamella ascends in the profile view obliquely in a nearly straight line, whilst in C. virginea it shows a concave base and projects more horizontally into the midst of the mouth. 7. CLAUSILIA TROGLODYTES, Ad. Schmidt, Syst. d. europ. Claus. p. 90. Var. VEXANS, m. Habitu C. byzantinse, Chrp., typica, sed apparatu claustrali C. troglodytis, Ad. Schm.-Differt a typo punctis cinereis parce adspersa, anfr. mediis glabratis, vix substriatis, apert. minus protracta. Alt. 21, lat. 4 mm.; alt. apert. 4\, lat. apert. 3| mm. Hab. Roumili near Tarrha, South Crete (Spratt). This variety has quite the form and size and the glabrated median whorls of the typical C. byzantina, Chrp., from Khania ; but it is a true C. troglodytes the costulation of which has been reduced to a very slight or nearly obsolete striature. 8. CLAUSILIA SUBLAMELLOSA, n. sp. (Plate XXXIII. fig. 2.) Magnitudine, habitu, sculptura, apertura, lamellispersimilis C. lamel-losse, Wagn., Dalmatica, sed punctiformi-rimata, anfr. 11 nee 9, ultimo deorsumangustato, basi distincte bicristato, cristis brevibus, parum arcuatis, sulco separates, crista exteriore validiore, |