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Show 1883.] DR. O. BOETTGER ON NEW CLAUSILLE. 337 32. CLAUSILIA GLABRICOLLIS, Pfr. Malakoz. Blatter, xiii. 1866, p. 147. Of this species, whose type inhabits Akarnania, Consul A. Letourneux has recently found a smaller variety near Kerassovo in H-Btolia (Consul Nik. Konemenos). Alt. 15|, lat. 3| m m . ; alt. apert. 3|, lat. apert. 2 | m m . 33. CLAUSILIA CONEMENOSI, n. sp. (Plate XXXIV. fig. 14.) T. intermedia inter C. cyclothyram, Bttg., et C. hiantem, Bttg., sed fere perforato-rimata, calcareo-alba, anfr. non lavibus sed valide et distantius costulatis quam Us C. hiantis, costidis per-obliquis, valde arcuatis, in anfr. ultimo non validioribus, imo fere densioribus, crista basali validiore, compressa, arcuata, sursum sulco tenui circumscripta. Apert. rotundato-ovala, faucibus albidis concoloribus vel fiavescentibus, palatali supera distincta. Alt. 12-14|, lat. 2|-3 mm.; alt. apert. 2f, lat. apert. 2\ mm. Hab. Perivola, Bezaiti and Mount Amblo near Patras, Morea (Konemenos). This little species, to which I give the name of its discoverer, m y friend the Turkish Consul Nikolaus Konemenos at Patras, is easily distinguished from C. cycloihyra, Bttg., by its calcareous and not milk-blue colour, by the light yellowish, and not bright brown, interior of the mouth, and by its costulated median whorls. From C. Mans, Bttg., it may be discerned by the less grey colour, by the more costulated and not striated shell, by the longer spiral lamella, the longer and very distinct principal plait, and by the presence of a distinct superior palatal plait. 34. CLAUSILIA HIANS, Bttg. Mon. Claus.-Sect. Albinaria, p. 87, tab. 3. fig. 5. Var. SUBLACTEA, m. Differt a typo t.fere lactea, striis vel costulis spira vel minus acutis vel subobsoletis, palatali supera interdwm punctiformi. Alt. 14^, lat. 3 mm.; alt. apert. 3, lat. apert. 2\ mm. Sab. iEtolia (Konemenos). This variety cannot be confounded with G. conemenosi, mihi, because it shows the fine striation and the incomplete apparatus claustralis of the true C. hians, Bttg., from Akarnania. 35. CLAUSILIA DISCOLOR, Pfr. Symbol, iii. p. 93. Has been sent to m e by Miss Josephine Thiesse, of Chalkis, in the var. inaqualis, Blanc, also from the Gythion Mountains next Mara-thonisi in Lakonia. 36. CLAUSILIA GRAYANA, Pfr. Symbol, iii. p. 94. This shell has been discovered at,the island of Servi (Elaphonisi) by Admiral Spratt in a f. gracilior, mihi, which has a more finely striated shell, the interior of the aperture yellowish and not brown, and only alt. 14|, lat. 3 | m m . ; alt. apert. 3|, lat. apert. 2% m m . |