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Show 1883.] MR. F. MOORE ON LIMNAINA AND EUPLCEINA. 263 one minute ; a marginal row of smaller spots. Underside paler ; both rows of spots the same as above ; fore wing also with a minute spot above end of the cell, one at lower end of the cell, and two beyond the end, and a long pale violaceous-white spot below the median : hind wing also with a small spot at lower end of the cell and a series of five spots beyond. Expanse, 2 3§ inches. Hab. Thursday Island. In coll. British Museum. 7. GAMATOBA DIADEMA, n. sp. Male. Dark purplish violet-brown, anal area of hind wing paler : fore wing with a curved subapical series of four small indistinct whitish-brown spots : hind wing with two marginal rows of more distinct small brownish-white spots. Underside--fore wing with the four subapical spots distinct and white, and three lower marginal dots, one also on the disk : hind wing with a minute white spot at lower end of the cell, and four on the disk beyond; marginal rows more distinct than above. Female. Paler, and of a more ochreous violet-brown tint: fore wing with four distinct creamy-white upper submarginal spots, a small spot on the costa, one between upper and middle median veins, and a marginal row of minute spots : hind wing with a marginal and submarginal row of large distinct creamy-white spots. Expanse, 8 3, 2 3\ inches. Hab. Port Moresby, New Guinea. In coll. G. Semper and IL G. Smith. 8. GAMATOBA NOX. Euploea nox, Butler, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1866, p. 278, 8 • Crastia nox, Butler, Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. xiv. p. 298. Hab. Aru Islands. 9. GAMATOBA MELANCHOLICA. Euploea melancholica, Butler, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1866, p. 280, 8 • Crastia melancholica, Butler, Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. xiv. p. 298. Euplcea harrisii, Boisd. MS., 8 • Hab. Amboina. In coll. Godman and Salvin, and British Museum. 10. GAMATOBA CERBERUS. Crastia cerberus, Butler, Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. 5, x.p.40, 8 $(1882). Hab. New Britain ; New Ireland. 11. GAMATOBA SPICULIFERA, n. sp. Male. Dark violet-brown: fore wings with a small greyish-white speckled spot at lower end of the cell, a minute costal spot above end of the cell, three small discal spots, and a submarginal upper row of six small dentate bluish-white spots. Underside paler : fore wing marked as above, the spots being more distinct; a short streak also between median and submedian ; hind wing with a minute white dot at end of the cell, a slender streak below subcostal |