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Show 372 MR. H. DRUCE ON N E W [June 5, 4. Descriptions of new Species of Zygsenidse and Arctiidse. By HERBERT DRUCE, F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c. [Received April 30, 1883.] (Plates XXXIX. & XL.) The following descriptions are all taken from specimens in my own collection, mostly collected in Ecuador by Mr. C. Buckley, to which are added a few others that I have found undescribed in working through this group of the Heterocera for the purpose of making out the Central-American species for the ' Biologia.' Many of the species of Zygsenidse are the most wonderful of all the Moths ; in some cases they so closely resemble Hymenoptera, that at first sight it is almost impossible to determine to which order they belong. In the present paper I have described fifty new species, representing twenty-four genera. Fam. ZYGHENIDHE. EUPYRA, Herrich-Sehaffer. EUPYRA HERODES, n. sp. (Plate XXXIX. fig. 1.) Wings uniform greenish black, slightly metallic along the costal margin of the primaries, a large hyaline patch crossed by the black veins close to the apex : head and thorax black; abdomen greenish ; antennae black, tipped with white ; legs black ; tarsi white. Expanse 1| inch. Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley). This peculiar species is very unlike any other that I am acquainted with, and may at some future time prove to be a new genus ; but as I have only seen a single specimen, I think for the present it is better placed in the genus Eupyra. EUPYRA SALMONI, n. sp. Primaries brownish black, thickly speckled with bright metallic green scales; four round hyaline spots, the first pair within the discoidal area, the second beyond and nearer the apex: secondaries black, with two elongated hyaline spots close to the base, and a round one beyond nearer the outer margin: head and thorax black; abdomen green, with a central black line ; a white spot on the crown of the thorax, and one on each side of the abdomen close to the base ; underside of abdomen white ; legs white; tarsi black ; antennae black, slightly whitish at the tips. Expanse 2 inches. Hab. Colombia, Antioqua, Frontino (Salmon). EUPYRA CEPHALENA, n. sp. (Plate XXXIX. fig. 2.) Wings black ; primaries thickly powdered with bright green scales, a band of hyaline spots close to the apex, a small spot at the end of |