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Show 336 DR. O. BOETTGER ON NEW CLAUSILInE. [May 1, inferaque magis recedentibus,faucibusfuscescentibus, perist. albo, sublabiato. Caterum C. olivieri, Roth, simillima. Alt. 21, lat. 4 mm. ; alt. apert. 4|, lat. apert. 3 mm. Hab. Island of Karpatho (Spratt). Next to C. olivieri, Roth, from the island of Rhodes, with nearly the same form and costulation of neck, but with acuter and stronger ribs on the shell than even in C. turrita, P. 28. CLAUSILIA PRIVIGNA, n. sp. (Plate XXXIV. fig. 13.) Peraff. C. Carpathian, mihi, sed minor, clavato-fusiformis, subven-triosa, fusco-isabellina, albido-costulata, apice concolori. Anfr. 12 perconvexi, humiles, lentius accrescentes, costis crebrioribus (38 in anfr. penultimo), rudioribus, fere lamelliformibus, valde arcuatis, sursum sape dichotomis ornati, ultimus multo humilior, basi rotundatus. Apert. minor, rotundato-ovata, lam. infera minus recedente, faucibus obscure castaneis, perist. parum expanso, vix reflexo. Caterum C. carpathise simillima. Alt. 17\, lat. 4 mm.; alt. apert. 3§, lat. apert. 2| mm. Hab. Sofrana Islands (Spratt). This species is indeed closely allied to the preceding and surely related by blood ; but its habitus is always quite different, and it would be unscientific to place both in the same species. The shell from the Sofrana Islands has constantly a more round, C. carpathia a more oblong cross section of their whorls. Also C. saxatilis, P., from Cyprus is an allied shell, but distinctly to be distinguished by its less convex whorls and much deeper-lying apparatus claustralis. 29. CLAUSILIA TURRITA, Pfr. P. Z. S. 1849, p. 135. Admiral Spratt found this species, which was till now only known from the islands of Milo, Sipheno, and Amorgo, also in the island of Andro. Here it is more slender than my var. syphnia, from Sipheno, but in other respects there seems to exist no difference. 30. CLAUSILIA UNICOLOR, Bttg. Mon. Claus.-Sect. Albinaria, p. 80, tab. 3. fig. 3. This interesting species, of which the native country was not known, has been discovered by Admiral Spratt in the islands of Karpatho and Saria (N. of Karpatho). Specimens from Karpatho measure-alt. 16-17^, lat. 3^-4 mm., alt. apert. 3|-3f, lat. apert. 2|-3 m m . ; those from Saria-alt. 17-19, lat. 3f mm., alt. apert. 3|, lat. apert. 3 m m. 31. CLAUSILIA EBURNEA, Pfr. P. Z. S. 1854, p. 296. The type of this species, inhabiting the White Mountains, island of Crete (Spratt), though in its exterior very similar to C. glabri-collis, P., from Akarnania, seems to be more allied to C. ungeri, Zel., and C. virgo, Mouss., both from Cyprus and both belonging to the munda, than to the scopulosa group, inhabiting exclusively Morea and the adjacent islands. |