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Show 1883.] BEETLES OF THE FAMILY EROTYLIDJE. 81 humerali fasciaque subapicali, ramos undique emittentibus per costas provectos et ad apicem conjunctos, fiavis. Long. 21 millim. Hab. India, Assam, The head and thorax in this species are very much less opaque, and not punctured as in T. brahminica. The thorax is shorter, and its sides more rounded. The elytra are sulcate ; but the punctures, which in T. brahminica are very distinct, are here obsolete ; the costse are rounded. The variegated appearance is formed by long branches from the humeral and subapical fascia? which run along the alternate costa? ; they do not unite in the single example I have seen, except at the apex, where three unite in an indistinct way, but are no doubt subject to variation. The black round humeral spot is distinct; but the shoulder itself is obsolete as in the allied species. 14. EPISCAPHA SEMPERI. Nigra, nitida ; capite obsolete punctato, prothorace subtilius minus distincte punctato ; elgtris tenuiter minute punctato-striatis, macula humerali subtrapeziformi fasciaque pone medium suturam non attingente leviter arcuata late aurantiacis, callo humerali nigro. Long. 15 millim. Hab. Philippine Isles, E. Mindanao (Semper). Very near E. sublavis, Crotch ; but the punctured striae will distinguish it. The prosternum is broadly expanded behind, and excavated (but not so deeply as in E. octonotata) at its apex; it is also rather strongly margined behind the middle ; it is punctured on each side, but the ridge is smooth. The meso- and metasternum and the abdomen are free from punctuation. There are two specimens in m y collection, taken by M r . Semper from East Mindanao, and a third, smaller specimen from Luzon, which is I believe referable to the same species. 15. EPISCAPHA CORDATA. Nigra, subnitida, antice posticeque attenuata, infra rufo-picea, capite prothoraceque crebre et minute punctatis ; elytris obsolete substriatis, fascia humerali subrecta interne attenuata, utrinque dentata, alteraque ante apicem leviter arcuata fiavis. Long. 8 millim. Hab. West Africa, Old Calabar (coll. Murray). From E. piciventris this differs in its smaller size, in being more pointed behind, in the whole of the underside being more or less pitchy, which colour extends even to the legs and antenna?, and in the form of the fascia?, the basal one being straighter and the hinder one less arcuate, and not produced at the suture or margin. It is observable that the hind fascia in E. senegalensis is nearer the apex and broader than in either of these species, and is moreover of a deeper blood-red colour. The posterior process of the prosternum is more elongate; and its marginal lines meet in front, whereas in E. piciventris they are lost in the side of the ridge before meeting. P R O C . Z O O L . S o c - 1 8 8 3 , No. VI. 6 |