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Show 1883.] MR. F. MOORE ON LIMNAINA AND EUPLCEINA. 235 Abbott, Ins. Georgia, i. pl. 6 (1797); Brown, Const. Miscellany, Butt. i. p. 156, pl. 23 (1832). Banais archippus, Godt. Enc. Mdth. ix. p. 184 ; Boisd. et Lee. Lep. Amer. Sept. p. 137, pl. 40 (1833); Harris, Ins. Injur. toVeg., Flint's ed. p. 280 ; Saunders, Canadian Ent. v. pp. 4-8, figs. 1-5 (1873) ; Edwards, Birds of N. A. i. p. 9 ; Butler, Catal. Fabrician Lep. B. M. p. 5. Anosia menippe, Hiibner, Verz. bek. Schmett. p. 16 (1816). Anosia megalippe, Hiibner, Samml. exot. Schmett. Bd. ii. pl. 7, (1820-21). Petiver, Mus. p. 52, no. 527 (1695). Catesby, Nat. Hist. Carolina, ii. p. 88, pl. 88 (1743). Hab. N. America (southern parts of British Possessions, United States) ; Bermudas ; Antilles ; Mexico ; Central and South America as far as Rio. 2. ANOSIA PLEXAURE. Banais plexaure, Godart, Enc. Me'th. ix. p. 184 (1819). ?Danais brasiliensis, Capr. Ann. Ent. Belg. 1874, p. 22. Hab. Brazil. 3. ANOSIA CLEOPHILE. Danais cleophile, Godart, Enc. Meth. ix. p. 185(1819); Double-day & Hewits. D, Lep. pl. 12. f. 3. Hab. Haiti; Jamaica. TASITIA, n. g. Anosia (part), Hiibner, Verz. bek. Sch. p. 15. Anosia, Scudder, Bull. Buff. Soc. N. H. 1875, p. 246. Fore wing shorter and less regularly triangular in form than in Anosia (Plexippus) ; costa arched at the base, exterior margin slightly convex below the apex; cell comparatively shorter and broader ; discocellulars shorter, concave in the middle, emitting a short discoidal spur within the cell opposite the lower radial; lower discocellular slender at its upper end. Hind wing narrower, much more convex internally, the costal and abdominal margins shorter ; cell shorter and broader; first subcostal branch emitted further from the base ; discocellulars shorter, the upper much bent. Male with a larger but shorter and more conspicuous scent-pouch close to the lower median vein. Antennae shorter, club slender at tip. Palpi smaller, more slender and less hairy. Middle and bind legs black. Larva (T. berenice, figured by Smith Abbott, and T. eresimus, figured by Stoll) with three pairs of fleshy filaments. Type T. gilippus, Cram. 1. TASITIA BERENICE. Papilio berenice, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iii. pl. 205. f. E, F(1779). Danais berenice, Boisd. et Lee. Lep. Amer. Sept. p. 134, pl. 39 (1833); Butler, Catal. Lep. Fabr. B.M. p. 4; Proc. Zool. Soc. |