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Show 76 REV. H. S. GORHAM ON N E W [Mar. 6, 1. ENCAUSTES CROTCHI. (Plate XVIII. fig. 7.) Niger, nitidus; capite distincte parce punctato, prothorace sub-quadrato immaculato, elytris lavibus punctis haud discretis, interstitiis obsoletissime costatis, macula humerali transversa alteraque triente ante apicem fulvis. Long. 22 millim. 2 • Hab. Philippine Isles, Bohol (Semper). The wholly black thorax will separate this from any of its allies : the species to which it comes nearest is E. humeralis, Crotch, with which it agrees in having a red spot on each shoulder, touching the base of the elytra. Crotch's specimen of E. humeralis is from New Guinea ; I have a second specimen from the Philippine Islands taken by Semper at Pulobatu, which I have compared with the type at Cambridge and believe to be identical. 2. MICRENCAUSTES TORQUATUS. (Plate XVIII. fig. 5.) Niger, nitidus, verticis puncto, prothoracis macula irreguluri, elytrorum annulo humerum subcingente retrorsum ramos duos emittente, lunulaque infra medium fulvis. Long. 16 millim. Hab. Africa occid., Old Calabar (coll. Murray). Allied to M. sinuatus, Lac, but differing in being rather longer and narrower, in having the sides of the thorax scarcely rounded but narrowing a little in front, the disk distinctly punctured (in some examples of M. sinuatus a fine sparse puncturing is visible), and especially in the form of the humeral ring, which surrounds a much smaller space, in fact only the humeral callus, and emits a branch backwards towards the scutellum, and another obliquely towards the middle of the elytra. The posterior crescent is strongly recurved. The elytra exhibit very obsolete fine rows of punctures, which are quite invisible in M. sinuatus. A single specimen, marked Encaustes n. sp. by Crotch, from Murray's collection, now in m y possession. 3. MICRENCAUSTES PLAGIATUS. Niger, parum nitidus, capitis vertice, thoracis macula utrinque difformi, elytrorumque basi indeterminate, vitta submarginali, macula apicali intra marginem sanguineis; prothorace valde convexo, angiitis anticis acutis paululum productis, posticis sub-rectis. Long. 17 millim. Hab. Java 1 Allied to, but amply distinct from, M. lituratus, MacLeay. The protborax is quite of a different shape, not narrowed in front, the base not wider than the front, but the sides more rounded ; the red mark on each side is also different in shape, having three distinct branches like that in Encaustes verticalis. The elytra are not punctured in series, and the red patch at the base united with the apical patch by a stripe along (but not touching) the margin will readily separate this species from M. lituratus or any other described species. |