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Show 1883.] MR. W. L. DISTANT ON THE CICADIDAE. 187 2. Contributions to a proposed Monograph of the Homopte-rous Family Cicadidae.-Part I. By W . L. D I S T A N T. [Eeceived April 16, 1883.] (Plate XXV.) I have for some years studied this interesting family of insects and collected materials for a monograph of the same; but finding that the difficulties are more considerable than I anticipated, and that such a work will still require much greater time to produce, I propose from time to time to offer contributions towards a knowledge of the Cicadidae, hoping ultimately to publish a more or less complete monograph of the whole family. The Society has already (P. Z. S. 1882, p. 125) done me the honour of printing the results of my examination of the species contained in the Godeffroy Museum at Hamburg; and the present paper is chiefly devoted to the collection in the Dresden Museum, including the species collected in Celebes by Dr. A. B. Meyer, which are of considerable interest, producing a somewhat remarkable new genus. I have added the descriptions of a few species contained in m y own and in the very rich collection of Dr. Signoret of Paris, at the bulk of which I am still working, and hope to give the result very shortly. By the examination of these foreign collections, and more especially by a comparison of the same with Walker's numerous types of his indifferently described species in the British Museum, much necessary and preparatory work will be effected. ZAMMARA LUCULENTA, n. sp. (Plate XXV. figs. 4, 4a, 46.) 8 • Head ochraceous; the front greenish with the centre fuscous; the vertex with the anterior margin and area of the ocelli fuscous. Pronotum ochraceous, the posterior and lateral margins greenish, with a fuscous T-shaped central spot near the anterior margin, and a small central pale ochraceous spot near the posterior margin. Mesonotum greenish, with two obconical central spots on anterior margin, which are ochraceous and broadly and transversely marked with fuscous, followed by a W-shaped fuscous fascia which is situate immediately before the cruciform elevation, which is more or less ochraceous. Abdomen above reddish ochraceous, the disk and lateral margins longitudinally suffused with fuscous. Underside of head and thorax, legs and opercula greenish; abdomen beneath reddish ochraceous, with the posterior margin of the penultimate segment fuscous. Tarsi ochraceous, the claws fuscous. Rostrum greenish ochraceous, the tip pitchy and reaching the base of abdomen. Tegmina and wings pale hyaline, their bases narrowly reddish ochraceous, and the venation with the basal half greenish, tbe remainder ochraceous. The face is long, moderately convex, distinctly transversely striated, but without a longitudinal sulcation; the opercula are small and obliquely rounded, the tympanal orifices |