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Show 1883.] 'LIGHTNING' AND ' PORCUPINE ' EXPEDITIONS. 109 Perhaps that character and the operculum having a multispiral nucleus on the underside may constitute sufficient grounds to separate the present species from Turbo; and in that case the genus might be called Cantrainea in honour of the discoverer and celebrated conchologist. I have had an opportunity of examining and comparing his species and its variety through the obliging attention of M . Van den Broeck. PHASIANELLA PULLA, Linne. Turbo pullus, L. S. N. p. 1233. P. pulla, B. C. iii. p. 338, pi. viii. f. 1 ; v. p. 204, pi. lxiv. f. 1. 'Porcupine' Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 8, 9, Vigo B., 26, Tangier B., Gibraltar. Young and dead shells, which were probably carried out by tidal or other currents from tbe littoral and sublittoral zones which this species usually inhabits. The greatest depth at which it has been noticed as living is 15 fathoms. Distribution. From the Orkneys and Stornoway southwards to the Morea, Black Sea and Adriatic, Mogador, coast of Barbary, Madeira, Canaries, and Guadaloupe(Ite«?/, fide Petit) ; 0-120 fms. Specimens Irom the greater and perhaps any depth beyond 15 fathoms may have been drifted. Fossil. Pliocene : Antibes and Italy. Post-tertiary : N. Ireland and Nice. Turbo pictus of D a Costa and several other unnecessary synonyms. Lamarck described it as Turbo pullus, and did not include it in his genus Phasianella. I regard P. intermedia of Scacchi and P. tenuis of Michaud as varieties of this common and therefore variable species. Very young specimens exhibit a small umbilical slit. Family IX. LITTORINID^E. 1. L A C U N A CRASSIOR, Montagu. Turbo crassior, Mont. Test. Brit. p. 309, t. 20. f. 1. L. crassior, B. C. iii. p. 344 ; v. pi. lxiv. f. 2. ' Porcupine' Exp. 1869 : St. L. Foyle, 33. Distribution. Spitzbergen, White Sea, Russian Lapland, N. Pacifio Greenland, G. St. Lawrence, British coasts, and Etretat; 0-12 fms. Fossil. Post-tertiary : Belfast and Hull. L. glacialis, Moller, L. vestita, Metzger, and perhaps Turbo pallidus, Donovan. The characteristic canal is frequently wanting both in young and adult specimens of this species. Dr. Collingwood has always found it living and feeding on the polyparies of Alcyonidium hirsutum. 2. LACUNA DIVARICATA, Fabricius. Trochus divaricatus, Fabr. Fn. Grcenl. p. 392. L. divaricata, B. C. iii. p. 346, pi. viii. f. 2 ; v. p. 204, pi. lxiv. f. 3. ' Lightning ' Exp. St. 4, 5, 7. Drifted. 'Porcupine' Exp. 1869 : Donegal B. Bistribution. Arctic seas in both hemispheres, Iceland and Faroe |