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Show 1883.] ' L I G H T N I N G ' A N D ' P O R C U P I N E ' EXPEDITIONS. 89 part of the body-whorl: umbilicus rather large, funnel-shaped, and deep : operculum not observed, the specimens now described being dead. L. 0 1 , B. 0*1. 'Porcupine' Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 16, 17, 17a. Several specimens, more or less perfect. This differs from any other species known to m e in being devoid of sculpture, and in having a conspicuous umbilicus. 3. SCISSURELLA COSTATA, d'Orbigny. S. costata, d'Orb. Mem. Soc. d'hist. nat. de Paris, i. p. 344, t. xxiii. f. 2. ' Porcupine ' Exp. 1870 : Atl. St. Tangier B. Bistribution. Throughout the Mediterranean and Adriatic, Madeira (Watson), Teneriffe (McAndrew); 0-11 fms. Fossil. Pliocene : Italy, Rhodes. S. plicata and S. striatula, Philippi, besides several obsolete synonyms. S. lavigata of d'Orbigny is apparently a variety. Family VII. TROCHID^E. 1. M O L L E R I A COSTULATA, Moller. Margarita? costulata, Moll. Ind. Moll. Gronl. p. 8. Molleria costulata, B. C. iii. p. 291 : G. O. Sars, Moll. reg. arct. norv. p. 127, t. 9. f. 8, a-c. •Lightning' Exp., St. 2. 'Porcupine'Exp. 1870: Atl. 17. Distribution. Arctic seas in both hemispheres, eastern coasts of N. America, Bay of Biscay ('Travailleur' Exp. 1880), St. Thomas, W . Indies (Verkriizen) ; 0-150 fms. Fossil. Post-tertiary: Scandinavia,Shetland, Scotland, co.Antrim, Canada; 0-460 ft. This genus is distinguishable from Cyclostrema by having a double inside lip or a ledge to receive tbe strong calcareous operculum. The sculpture also is peculiar. I described the animal of M. costulata in the ' Annals and Magazine of Natural History' for March 1877- The odontophore has been figured by Friele. Margarita minutissima of Mighels, and Skenea molleri of Philippi. 2. MOLLERIA LEVIGATA, Jeffreys. Molleria lavigata (Jeffr.), Friele, Bidrag til Vestlandets Mollusk-fauna (Vid. Forh. 1875), p. 4; separate copy. Cyclostrema lavigatum, G O. Sars, Moll. reg. arct. norv. p. 130, t. 21. f. 2, a-b. 'Lightning' Exp., St. 5, 6. Bistribution. Finmark (G. O. Sars), Bergen coast (Friele, Norman, and J. G. J.), Shetland (J. G. J.) ; 20-250 fms. Fossil. Pliocene : Sicily. Cyclostrema basistriatum of Brugnone; but in a copy of his a 7# |