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Show 490 PROF. FLOWER ON THE DELPHINID/E. [Nov. 20, albirostris in a genus by itself, for which he reserves the name Lagenorhynchus, and forms two other genera, Electra and Leucopleurus, for the others ; but it is highly probable that the type and only species of the last, Leucopleurus arcticus, Gray, is identical with Electra acuta, Gray, of the same list. The only distinguishing characters given for these two genera are-Electra, "tooth-line stopping considerably short of the notch ;" Leucopleurus, "tooth-line reaching nearly to the notch." Of the skulls of this group in the British Museum, Lagenorhynchus (or Electra) asia, Gray, except for its somewhat inferior size, appears to be the same as L. electra (Electra obtusa of the Synopsis). L. fusiformis, Owen (Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. vi. p. 22), from the Fig. 8. Palate of Lagenorhynchus acutus. Madras seas, appears to be the same or a closely allied species. Electra thicolea, founded on a single skull stated to have been brought from the west coast of North America, has a longer and narrower rostrum than any of the others, and forms a transition to the section Clymenia, if it is not identical with species which Gray places in that group. L. clanculus (Gray, P. Z. S. 1849, p. 2) appears to be a distinct form. The type specimen is from Dr. Dickie's collection from the Pacific Ocean, and is figured among the supplementary plates of the Cetacea of the ' Erebus ' and ' Terror' voyage. There is a similar skull in the Museum of the College of Surgeons from the Pacific coast of North America. It has been suggested that D. cruciger, Quoy and Gaimard (Voy. de PUranie, 1824), and D. bivittatus, Lesson and Garnot (Voy. de la Coquille, 1826), may be the same as Gray's L. clanculus; but as they are only known by descriptions and drawings made of animals swimming at sea, the identifications are very doubtful. There is also the possibility that Delphinus fitzroyi of Waterhouse (Zool. Voy. 'Beagle,' p. 25, 1840), from the coast of Patagonia, may be |