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Show 26 MR. F. MOORE ON NEW ASIATIC LEPIDOPTERA. [Jan. 16, also slenderly bordered by brownish-ochreous; lobate reniform mark half the size of that in A. hieroglyphica, and not darker than the fascia-. Underside ochreous-brown, the marginal borders paler, the short oblique subapical band and ill-defined interrupted slender sinuous fascia ochreous-white. Expanse, 8 2f, 2 2f inches. Hab. Khasia hills (Austen). In coll. F. Moore. NYCTIPAO PRUNOSA, n. sp. Allied to N. glaucopis. Smaller ; colour of a bluer glossy iron-grey purplish-brown tint; fore wing with a smaller retort mark, the transverse pale zigzag line linear, not composed of distinct lunate spots as in N. glaucopis ; hind wing with smaller white subapical spots, the second spot being lunate ; on the underside the transverse series of spots are also much smaller and linear. Expanse 3| inches. Hab. Kussowlie, N.W. Himalaya. In coll. F. Moore. Fam. OMMATOPHORID,E. SERICIA CALAMISTRATA, n. sp. Allied to S. substruens (Tavia substruens, Walk.). Markings on both wings similar, except that in the fore wing the prominent discal white-speckled mark beyond the cell is formed by a uniformly rounded duplex line, with a more slender lower terminal inner end, and with its upper costal end more acutely sinuous. Expanse 2\ inches. Hab. Andaman Isles. In coll. F. Moore. Fam. HYPOPYRID^.. H Y P O P Y R A PALLIDA, n. sp. Male. Similar to H. vespertilio. Much paler in colour : fore wing with the subbasal transverse fascia less curved ; oblique medial lines darker, the contiguous and outer sinuous fasciae more distinct, and the marginal lunular line less defined ; three prominent small black spots encircled by greyish-white, and an indistinct discocellular lunule : hind wing with two distinct brown medial lines and two contiguous lines, two distinct outer sinuous fasciae, and a marginal lunular brown line. Female. Much paler than the same sex of H. vespertilio; the markings indistinct: fore wing with three small indistinct black-centred grey-bordered spots, and slender discocellular lunule. Expanse, 8 2f, 2 3 inches. Hab. Ceylon. In coll. F. Moore. Fam. OPHIUSID^E. N A X I A DUPLEXA, n. sp. (Plate VI. fig. 4.) Near to N. calefaciens. Female. Fore wing differs in the subbasal line being curved inward and slenderly bordered on each side |