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Show 110 DR. GWYN JEFFREYS ON THE MOLLUSCA OF THE [Mar. 6, Isles, Finmark to Gulf of Gascony, Algiers (Joly) !, Greenland to New York, Alaska to N . Japan ; 0-36 fms. Inhabits the laminarian zone. Fossil. Pliocene?: Antibes. Post-tertiary: Scandinavia and British Isles ; 0-1360 ft. Variable and therefore polyonomatous. Among these names are Turbo vinctus, T. quadrifasciatus, and T. canalis of Montagu ; L. solidula, L. labiosa, and L.frigida of Loven; L. fabricii and L. arctica of Philippi ; L. fusca of Say ; and L. pertusa of Conrad. Brown made out of it four species of Phasianella, and Leach his genus Epheria. 3. LACUNA PUTEOLUS, Turton. Turbo puteolus, Turt. Conch. Diet. p. 193, f. 90, 91. L. puteolus, B. C. iii. p. 348 ; v. p. 205, pi. lxiv. f. 4. 'Lightning' Exp. St. 4. Drifted. Bistribution. Greenland, Iceland, and Finmark to Vigo ; laminarian zone. Fossil. Post-tertiary: Clyde beds, Portrush, Selsea and Dorset. For tbe perplexing synonymy of this species I would refer to ' British Conchologv.' It is connected with L. pallidula through Gould's L. neritoidea, which I consider a variety of the latter species or an intermediate form.. 1. CITHNA TENELLA, Jeffreys. Lacuna tenella, B. C. v. p. 204, pi. ci. f. 7. ' Lightning ' Exp. St. 5, 7. 'Porcupine' Exp. 1869: 4, 23, 23a, 36, 39-42. 1870: Atl. 1, 3, 6, 9, 16, 17, 17a, Setubal B., off C. Espichel, 22, 31-34; Med. 51, 54, 55. Bistribution. Between the Hebrides aud Faroes (' Triton' cruise), Bay of Biscay (' Travailleur' Exp.), many parts of the Mediterranean (Spratt, Nares, Monterosato, Italian and French Exps.), between Gibraltar and the Azores ('Josephine' Exp.), Azores, Pernambuco, and E. of Japan ('Challenger' Exp.); 114-2050 fms. Fossil. Pliocene: Calabria and Sicily (Seguenza). Post-tertiary: Greenock (Crosskey and Robertson) ! Var. costulata. More or less strongly striated lengthwise, especially on the upper whorls. In the 'Annals & Magazine of Natural History' for July 1870 I proposed the generic name Llela for this species; but I afterwards found not only that the name had been preoccupied so long ago as 1830 by von Minister in the Crustacea, but that the late M r . Arthur Adams had distinguished the same form of shell under the subgeneric title of Cithna in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society for 1863. His courtesy in sending me several species from Japan has satisfied me that they belong to the same genus as mine ; and I therefore substitute Cithna tor Hela as the generic name. It differs from Lacuna in being destitute of an epidermis, and in having instead of a flattened and channelled pillar an obliquely curved umbilical chink, which ends |